Topic: God's Laws

God's Laws

Brandon, Your Pork Study Makes You A Bigot!

Some believe God cleansed pork in the New Testament. It’s not true, and I’m going to show you why through simple Scriptural analysis. You’re going to love this one.


What Does The Bible Say About Divorce?

There are two clear-cut Biblical reasons for divorce. Through careful study, we can identify some others. I’ll discuss them, along with God’s divorce of Israel.

God's Laws

Are Mushrooms Unclean To Eat?

The Bible does not say if mushrooms are unclean to eat. However, we’ll identify the characteristics of mushrooms and compare them to clean food we can eat.


Should Christians Obey The Laws Of The Land?

With each passing day, governments become more totalitarian by removing citizens’ rights. Do Christians obey the laws of the land, or should we rebuff them?


If Ye Love Me, Keep My Commandments

If we love Christ, then we follow His Commandments. Such a simple phrase, but difficult to follow in a world of sin. We compare Christ’s words to our parents.

God's Laws

What Does The Bible Say About Marijuana?

While there is no specific verse about marijuana, we can come to a Biblical conclusion by understanding what God said about several “works of the flesh”.

Christian Basics

The Great Commandment

We often fight with our fellow Christians over Biblical interpretations. Yet, Christ told us there are two commandments more important than anything else.

God's Laws

Keep The Ways Of God

And keep the charge of the Lord thy God, to walk in his ways, to keep his statutes, and his commandments, and his judgments, and his testimonies, as it is written in the law of

Can We Eat Pork?
God's Laws

Can Christians Eat Pork?

Do you realize, God said if Christians eat pork, they’re like smoke in His nose? Furthermore, in Leviticus God said do not eat pork, and that never changed.