Topic: Homosexuality


Baptize The Trannies Says The Vatican And The Biblical Past

The church isn’t crumbling, it’s crumbled. If churches aren’t busy closing up shop, the ones remaining are teaching perversion and filth. Not all and absolute of course, but my friends, organized Christianity is in dire


Fox News Suckered Conservatives

For well more than a decade, I’ve warned the Christian faithful, “Fox News is not your friend.” Most of the time, I was heavily rebuffed. I’m quite certain, that’s not the case anymore. In fact,


Bud And Target Go Down In Flames For Pride

If you didn’t know any better, you would swear the entire world is perverted and without any sense of morality. Mutilating children whether inside or outside of the womb is now a-okay if you listen


Was Sodom This Bad?

When I look at the moral degradation of society, I cannot help but think of Sodom and Gomorrah. I wonder within myself, have we eclipsed the wickedness of those cities? You remember the story… God


Our Children Are Being Destroyed

You wouldn’t know it by turning on the television, but modern society is systematically destroying our children. Not to mention our once flourishing society. We are continually replacing our valued traditions with something dark and


Pope Teams Up With United Nations On LGBT

Surely it’s of no surprise, but pope Francis along with his Anglican and Presbyterian sidekicks affirmed their commitment to homosexuality. Together, the trio denounced the criminalization of homosexuality still found in 67 nations around the


United Methodist Just Lost 249 More Churches

It’s an interesting story, one that was fairly elusive to find details on. Another 249 churches left the United Methodist denomination, but why? The details were sketchy, even on the Methodist website. In fact, I


A Biblical Message Seen Through The World Cup

It’s hard to imagine, but our Christian beliefs just might be a better fit in Qatar than the United States. Yes, Qatar. That little obscure nation in the Middle East that just happens to be


The Libs Want You To Accept Pedophiles

Believe it or not, the liberals continue to justify pedophilia. We all said this was going to eventually happen, and each and everyday, we get a step closer. One more step closer… Radical liberal, licensed


Is The Pendulum Beginning To Swing Back?

The last two years have radically altered our world for the worse. Some people have paraded the increase in perversion, calling it “diverse”. Backword logic is now called “progress”. It’s been a difficult couple of


Am I The Only One?

The sun begins to rise bringing about a new day. On this day, we find America and our world in worse shape than yesterday. It’s a disturbing trend that continues to escalate. Just when you