Fear: The End Of The World Order As We Know It

Did you ever expect to load up World Events and the Bible and read that one?

Yeah, not me either.

I will explain in a moment, but first, let’s get a handle on things…

What’s Happening?

According to Western media, Russia has launched a full-scale war against Ukraine. According to Russian media, the story is quite different.

Surprise, surprise!

What I do see, is during this nearly five-minute clip, not one bomb was dropped on the Ukrainian capital of Kyiv. During the interview, it’s mentioned a small town was attacked which houses a military base. Now that does align with what Russia said.

We’ll point that out in just a moment.

I also see what must be hundreds to thousands of cars fleeing Kyiv.

No bombs, no explosions.

So at the moment, it’s tough to really make a judgement call.

I am not saying Russia has not started a military operation in Ukraine. I am saying the Western media is only telling part of the story and lying about the other half. In fact, Britain is already talking about banning RT so only one side of the story is presented.

What’s new there?

Russia’s Special Military Operation

Hours ago, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced a “special military operation” in Ukraine.

Russia launched a military operation in Ukraine after the appeal of the authorities of the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics with a request for assistance in repelling Kiev’s aggression.


The reason?

These are “breakaway” regions in Ukraine.

Meaning, the people who inhabit the Donetsk and Lugansk regions have been in a soft war with Ukraine for years now. Continually, there have been back and forth conflicts.

Where are these regions in Ukraine?

Source: BBC

As we can see, the Donetsk and Lugansk Republics encompass a large swath of land.

By the way, look at the amount of people who speak Russian in these regions.

Source: Reuters

Essentially, they are Russian in heritage, which has essentially become a sin in Ukraine, (see: indigenous peoples bill).

Now, just two days ago, Russia officially recognized the independence of these two regions, (see: Did You See What Russia Just Did?). Along with that, Russia sent troops to the region in a “peacekeeping” operation.

However, the Ukrainian army continued to shell cities in the Donbas region which led to the death of civilians.

You won’t read that in the Western media.

It’s for that reason in part, that Russia kicked off this “special military operation”.

So the question becomes, is Russia going to invade all of Ukraine, or is Russia invading the two regions that Russia now recognizes as independent Republics?

I think it’s a little bit of both.

Is It Really A Full Scale War?

Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov said,

Russia’s armed forces carry out no missile, air or artillery strikes against Ukrainian cities.

What else do we know?

Putin Seeks “Demilitarization And Denazification” Of Ukraine

Putin wants to “demilitarize and denazify” Ukraine, something he has stated over and over again which the West continues to ignore. We talked a lot about that over the last few days.

Tass explains, Russia’s

Goal is to protect people who have been subjected to bullying, genocide by the Kiev regime for eight years, and for this purpose we will strive for demilitarization and denazification of Ukraine, as well as to bring to justice those.

It continues,

The occupation of Ukrainian territories is not part of Moscow’s plans, it stands for the right of the peoples of Ukraine to self-determination. The president also reiterated that Russia cannot allow Kiev to have nuclear weapons, and recalled the unacceptable expansion of NATO to the East.

Now that is what Putin said, maybe he is a liar. Considering what I wrote just days ago, I actually have to take Putin at his word. His word is more believable than the U.S. governments right now, that’s for certain.

In fact, just yesterday Ukrainian leaders mentioned their ambitions for nuclear weapons. That was probably Putin’s last straw. How would any nation allow its neighbor to be turned into an enemy with nuclear weapons?

Any nuclear weapon Ukraine possessed, would really be the United States nuclear weapon. Let’s all be real about the West’s power here. The United States is the West. The United States is NATO, and who would help and arm Ukraine?

The United States of course.

Back on point…

Ukrainian Army Disbanding?

Putin also called on the Ukrainian army to lay down their arms and go to their families in peace. Apparently, many of them are doing just that, though it’s not being reported right now.

I say this as RT reports,

Romania scrambled two F-16 Fighting Falcon jets on Thursday morning to intercept a foreign military aircraft, the country’s defense ministry has said. The intercepted target was identified as a Ukrainian Air Force Sukhoi Su-27 air superiority fighter jet. It was directed to land at a military base near the city of Bacau in eastern Romania, the statement said.

The ministry said the pilot of the Ukrainian jet surrendered himself to the Romanian authorities.

Remember all the Afghani pilots who turned tail and ran when the Taliban took over?

That’s what is happening in Ukraine right now. In fact, the Ukrainian Defense Minister is calling on all Ukrainians to take up arms against Russia. I converted the Ukrainian language Tweet to English so you can read it yourself.

Why would he say that unless their military is surrendering?

I suppose an alternative reason is the Ukrainian military is lacking?

Certainly, Ukrainian officials already knew this before the fact. Which further indicates to me, the Ukrainian resolve is not there as the service men and women do not believe in the government. Hey, if you truly believe in something, you will fight to the death.

Source: Fox News

As you can see, Ukraine doesn’t have a prayer of a chance if this really does turn into a full-scale war. As of right now, this is not a full-scale war.

Instead, Russia is allegedly attacking Ukrainian military installations, Russia is certainly attacking any forces threatening the Donetsk and Lugansk Republics.

Alright, now for the doom…

Putin Goes There, Nuclear Weapons Threat

Now here comes the dangerous part for the whole world.

In Putin’s address, confirming a military operation. He made the following statement.

Putin warned against attempts to interfere with what is happening from the outside, especially by military means: “No one should have a doubt that a direct attack on Russia will lead to defeat and terrible consequences for the potential aggressor.”

Whoever tries to prevent us, let alone create threats to our country, to our people, should know that Russia’s response will be immediate and lead you to such consequences that you have never faced in your history. We are ready for any development, all the necessary decisions in this regard have been made. I hope I’ll be heard,” the president said.

It’s safe to say, Putin is PO’d!


The West blatantly ignored his concerns about NATO in Ukraine, and continues its expansion into the East. In fact, that has always been NATO’s plan as a reader pointed out the other day. The West is the true cause of this current crisis.

Now, when I read Putin’s quote, I thought he is referring to nuclear weapons…

Putin removed all doubt.

Putin stressed that in the military sphere, modern Russia, even after the collapse of the USSR and the loss of a significant part of its potential, “is today one of the most powerful nuclear powers in the world” and “has certain advantages in a number of the latest types of weapons.”


Putin didn’t remind the world of that for no reason.

He is dead serious. If the West attacks Russia, Putin is telling them, he has nuclear weapons, and he may even use them. I don’t have to tell you this would be a catastrophe. The situation in Ukraine seems small, but Putin appears to be drawing his line in the sand against NATO.


The President of the Russian Federation noted that technologies, including defense technologies, are changing rapidly and leadership in this area passes and will pass from hand to hand, “but the military development of the territories adjacent to our borders, if we allow it to do so, will remain for decades to come, and maybe forever, and will create ever-increasing, absolutely unacceptable threats for Russia.

This is what Putin does not want.

He does not want the further expansion of NATO on his doorstep. In his mind, if he does not stop it right now, it will be too late to stop later.

Why is NATO so hell bent on expansion?

Let’s face it.

Wealth and power.

More wealth and power for the ultra rich, the elite of the West who want to dominate the world.

In fact,

Ukraine is also a significant producer of uranium, titanium, iron ore, steel and ammonia, and a major source of Europe’s arable land.

New York Times

Money and power baby!

We are not going to hear any of this from our government or the Westen media. They are going to show you bloody civilians and hype the crisis. They are going to tell you Russia is the bully. The fact of the matter is, we have this crisis thanks to our own government.

Thanks to NATO’s aggression on Russia’s doorstep and expansion into the East. It’s not needed, unless the goal is more power and wealth.

You want more proof, read The Diplomacy Letter.

Fear And Doom!

Instead, this is what we are hearing from the West.

That is fear and doom, and only the people will suffer! Not the politicians!

No intelligent conversation, only an attempt to stir up the masses. Mind you, this all comes on the heels of Biden and friends calling off any further negotiations. Putin knew, the West had no intensions of changing their position.

The government and media are not telling you why this conflict is really happening, they are simply blaming Russia for it all. The fact of the matter is, the United States rebuffed Russia’s concerns and Putin has simply taken matters into his own hands.

Meanwhile, stock markets around the world are plunging. Russia’s MOEX index is down 38%! Just as you would expect, the White House and Western media are already spinning this. They now claim, the reason we have inflation is due to the Ukrainian crisis.

Liars, cheats and thiefs they are!

The fact of the matter is, Ukraine has always been a stepping stone for the Westernize globalization of the world. There is no democracy in Ukraine. They are merely puppets for the U.S.

“The End Of The World Order As We Know It”

If military invasions and nuclear war talk was not enough for you this morning…

How about the end of the (current) world order?

Ensure you listen to all of this. The fear and doom is real.

This is the Ukrainian Foreign Minister who spoke before the emergency UN Security Council meeting.

“The beginning of a large scale war in Ukraine will be the end of the world order as we know it.”

Ukrainian Foreign Minister

What world order?

The one established in the 1940s.

For more on that, read The Planned Financial Collapse Of The World.

We have always said, you cannot have a new world order, until the old world order is replaced.

Fear Is Driving The Conversation

Our governments and mainstream media are driving fear and paranoia which will continue. This is a massive distraction from record inflation caused by our governments through money printing.

This is a massive distraction from all the COVID lies that continue to come out. Reports from the CDC which indicate natural immunity is better than the vaccine. All after they denied that the last year.

Governments can now blame the Ukrainian crisis for the financial woes that have been and will continue to be unleashed. DOW futures are already down 800 points. It’s going to be another blood bath. I bet you all the big boys sold their positions ahead of time.

As always!

Another crisis to pull the wool over everyone’s eyes. To cover the crimes of our government leaders. Crimes that have become so open, they essentially brought about this confrontation to begin with, by not being reasonable. This is a self-inflicted wound.

You’re going to be at odds today with the truth of the matter after listening to the media. Read our last two works on this, I believe they bring more truth to the table than Biden ever could.

  • This Is What Russia Really Wants

For those who like Bible prophecy, open up “The Timeline of the Tribulation.” I am not going to dive into certain Scriptures that could, might, maybe mean this or that right now. It’s been done for decades by many other churches which amounted to nothing.

We’re staying cool, calm, and collective and we hope you are as well.

Are we at the doors of the Tribulation?

Not yet.

However, this event has just opened up a big distracting can of worms…

Will the lid be put back on?

Christians, Stay Calm

I am sure many are going to be very alarmed today. Just relax, God is in control. Things are going according to plan. Say a prayer for everyone involved, we have many brothers and sisters in Christ in the conflict zones. They all could use your prayers.

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