The U.S. May Directly Intervene In Ukraine

That’s the latest buzz.

According to retired U.S. Army General and CIA Director David Petraeus, the United States and their allies may become involved in Ukraine. In case you forgot, Petraeus is the failed General who couldn’t defeat sheepherders in Afghanistan.

Petraeus explains,

Russia could take some actions in Ukraine that would be “so shocking and so horrific” that it would prompt a response from the US and other nations, he said, adding that they “might react in one way or another, but as a multinational force led by the US and not as a NATO force.”


It really doesn’t matter what Russia does in Ukraine, it’s not our war!

In fact, if the United States had not sent Ukraine $65 billion dollars worth of arms, this war would have been over months ago. All we are doing is prolonging the war and devastation.

If you just cringed at that $65 billion number, you’ll tip over at the next one…

Congress is already working on another aid package for Ukraine, this time, $50 billion!

Do you realize we have already sent Ukraine 1,000,000 artillery rounds? All of this makes it clear as a bell, Ukraine could never defeat Russia alone. Therefore, it’s the United States of America that is seeking to overthrow Russia.

We have yet another escalation.

The U.S. just deployed the 101st Airborne, an elite fighting force just miles from the Ukraine border.

The U.S. Army’s 101st Airborne Division has been deployed to Europe for the first time in almost 80 years amid soaring tension between Russia and the American-led NATO military alliance. The light infantry unit, nicknamed the “Screaming Eagles,” is trained to deploy on any battlefield in the world within hours, ready to fight.

That ties right into what the failed General told us.

This entire war is absolutely absurd!

Has the American public approved of this new war front?

Absolutely not!

Ironically enough, I said when we pulled out of Afghanistan, that our nation was gearing up for another war. I pray that I am not right.

Has the American public approved of this unprecedented military spending?

Absolutely not!

In fact, look at the latest Pew poll.

Look at the falling support levels for Ukraine coming from the U.S. public.

In May, 55% of Americans were concerned Ukraine may be taken over by Russia. In September, that number dropped to just 38%. Come spring, those numbers may be in the teens.

Americans are already worn out by this war, and the war does not directly affect us here at home. Other than through added inflation. Just imagine how ordinary Ukrainian citizens must feel…

The only way the U.S. can gain public support for a war is by brainwashing us in anti-Russian propaganda. By telling us, Russia is going to nuke the West. That’s utter hogwash to begin with, but that was the narrative the failed General used in his dire warning.

To show you how serious other parts of the Western world take this war. Look what the prime minister for the German eastern state of Saxony said,

“When the war is over, we should use gas from Russia again.”


The entire war is a crock!

No one gives two rips. After the war, it’ll be business as usual.

Before the war, the Western media knew Ukraine was one of the most corrupt countries in the world. But suddenly, they are a sweetheart nation and Zelensky is akin to a messiah.

We can already see signs that this war is turning into a global one. Iran, though limited in nature, is already involved. Also, Belarus has deployed troops in coordination with Russia in Belarus. This will allow Russia to gain another angle in the war.

No nation is making any real effort for peace.

In fact, only two individuals have called for peace; Elon Musk and Bill Ackman.

Once again, the world is spinning out of control and you can thank the United States government for it. You can thank the Democrat and Republican parties who continue to approve billions of dollars in weapons of war for Ukraine.

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