A World Of Distractions And Diversions

We are being distracted and diverted everywhere we look.

The biggest issues of our time are glossed over and covered up. While the nuances and diversions take center stage.

Suddenly, a Chinese balloon is of extreme national security, but enforcing our southern border is not. Scrambling fighter jets to take out “objects” in the sky take the spotlight, but not securing our southern border that is violated every minute.

Suddenly, China is a threat we must focus on. Never mind the fact the U.S. outsourced our jobs and corporations to the communist nation long ago. We didn’t care then, but we care now, and you should be concerned they tell us.

In reality…

The government and media pick and choose which subjects we are to be concerned with, and which subjects we should disregard. Then we have the issue of too many voices in cyberspace. The problem, when everyone is talking, no one is listening.

So, our world continues to march toward insanity.

The church continues to display its irrelevancy by bending to every obstacle modern society places before it. If you want to be gay, that’s okay say many churches. You want gay marriage, the church will even bless it. You think God’s “gender-neutral,” then we can make Him whatever you want: he, she, it, they, or them.

Your choice, fill in the blank.

All are welcome, just as you are, says the modern church.

Spiritual rot abounds in every corner of our world. The mainstream continually elevates and worships wickedness, while righteousness is buried deep and out of sight.

Where have I read that before?

Isa 5:20 Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

Sounds about right.

No wonder our world is such a mess. We’re too busying trying to appease everyone and everything. Everyone can be right and correct, that is, except for Christians and the Bible in this distorted era of time we call the present.

That brings us to the world order…

It is fractured, and rapidly breaking in half, all thanks to the fiasco known as the Ukraine crisis. Just the other day the Iranian President visited China to shore up diplomatic ties. Meanwhile, Saudi Arabia wants to join the BRICS and the SCO (Shanghai Cooperation Organization).

The nations that make up the BRICS, now known as the The New Development Bank continues to expand, picking up additional members in 2021. If the Saudi’s join, it’s yet another slap in the face to the West, and rightfully so. More and more nations see, if you disagree with the West, you will be greatly punished.

It’s the West’s way, or the highway.

What’s happened to Russia was a clear example of this, and no country wants to be the next in financial exile. So the safest bet is to join another system as a backup plan.

Oh the prophetic thoughts of such a topic…

Speaking of Russia and the war in Ukraine, NATO continues to run out of ammunition.

In fact, Reuters tells us,

“If Europe were to fight Russia, some countries would run out of ammunition in days,” a European diplomat told Reuters.

But hey, Russia plans to invade Poland, that’s all you need to know.

The fact of the matter is very simple…

The West is not helping Ukraine, the West is fighting Russia without declaring war. Yet, all the common folk see is corporations and websites in yellow and blue, displaying their support for a war they know nothing about. Another clear example of government and media distracting the masses.

Yet, we have more escalations…

Britain is contemplating sending long range missiles to Ukraine so they can target Crimea. To add to the distractions we face, the United States just tested a nuclear capable ICBM in a show of force. All right after the China balloon fiasco.

More distractions and a hyped alter reality.

Meanwhile, the questions continue to swirl about the rushed vaccination campaign for COVID-19. More and more scientific studies continue to confirm, the vaccines have caused major side effects.

This shouldn’t be shocking, the same thing happened back in the 70s with the swine flu vaccine. I knew before there was ever a vaccine this was going to happen. Nothing good comes out of anything that’s rushed.

Despite valid concerns over these vaccines, the CDC has placed the COVID vaccines on the immunization schedule for children, adolescents, and adults.

Even more disturbing, back in summer, the CDC Director said of the vaccine campaign,

I think we had perhaps too little caution and too much optimism for some good things that came our way. Nobody said waning, when, ohh this vaccine is going to workOh well, maybe it’ll wear off.

CDC: We Had Too Little Caution And Too Much Optimism

But hey, there’s cash money to be made peddling vaccines, but no money to be made telling people not to get it. So don’t expect the truth from corporations and the media who get paid to advertise. I don’t know why that’s a surprise to anyone.

Looking forward, the one thing you can count on, distractions from all sides.

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