World United Or World Divided?

For years, our world drifted in one direction, the left.

In fact, 2020 kicked off a new era of global radicalization. It had been in the works for years, but it had now fully materialized. This took form via the COVID-19 pandemic, and the dystopian protocols that quickly spread around the world in response to the virus.

As we have witnessed, this led to the rise of what is now dubbed, “wokeism”. A radical progressive movement to change the course of world history. A movement to leave the borders of the United States open and elevate certain races above others.

All in the name of “inclusion” of course.

It’s been a wild couple of years, and it keeps getting more wild as the days pass. One of the wildest events just happened, President Joe Biden divided our nation a little bit more. Just when you thought that was an impossible task considering where the left and right sit today.

Take this quote for example,

Too much of what’s happening in our country today is not normal. Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic.”

Who could argue with that first sentence?

Looking at our nation today, it’s anything but normal. We have open borders, certain races are elevated above others, Christianity has taken a back seat, and who can forget the homosexual mob?

To Joe Biden, those things are normal.

However, they do not represent the America that has always existed. These are new things, new distortions of reality that have been introduced to us by the radical left. Biden then adds the second sentence to further divide our nation along the lines of new radical left principals.

Biden makes it seem as if these perversions are long held traditions that are newly being pressed down. Biden continued his antics.

“MAGA forces are determined to take this country backwards—backwards to an America where there is no right to choose, no right to privacy, no right to contraception, no right to marry who you love,” Biden said.


Does anyone have the right to murder?

In Joe Biden’s new America, everyone has the right to murder.

Marry who you love?

Are two men or two women capable of creating a baby?

In Joe Biden’s new America, apparently so.

Joe Biden is not alone in his divisive tactics. The former President spouts more of the same. So do other politicians, namely, Lindsey Graham who basically said, we’re going to have civil war if Trump is prosecuted.

Our nation cannot survive if this sort of rhetoric escalates and continues.

It’s not just our nation that is divided, but the world.

The war in Ukraine seems to have undone so much of what brought the world together during 2020. While nations became dictators in order to protect their people from a virus, things have since changed.

Today, the nations are divided among who support Ukraine and who supports Russia. It’s extremely interesting how fast things change in our world. Emergencies and crises come and go on a whim. Depending on who benefits and what’s to gain.

Historian Niall Ferguson noticed the madness in our world saying,

You start with a plague — or something we don’t see very often, a really large global pandemic — which kills millions of people and disrupts the economy in all kinds of ways. Then you hit it with a big monetary and fiscal policy shock. And then you add the geopolitical shock.”


Yep, that about sums it up.

Interestingly enough, the West hit Russia with a plethora of sanctions over the war in Ukraine. In response, Russia has cut off the fuel. As winter approaches, Europe is now running out of fuel, or is it?

According to these bits from the Financial Times, China (Russian ally) is purchasing large quantities of Russian fuel and selling their “surplus” to Europe for 2-3 times the price. So maybe Europe won’t freeze this winter.

So in the end, the citizens are being used for someone else’s monetary gain.

Nevertheless, Russia and China continue to work together along with the rest of the BRICS to formulate a new global reserve currency. Will it be successful is anyone’s guess, but it clearly shows an effort to buck the trend of the West.

Then, just days ago, Putin said,

Islamic states have been our traditional partners in addressing many topical issues on the regional and global agenda, in attempts to build a more just and democratic world order.

Putin is seeking to capitalize by uniting with the Islamic world. Meanwhile, the United States continues to support welfare state Israel by agreeing to send them four refueling planes. Planes that would be needed in an attack on the Islamic nation of Iran.

The U.S. didn’t stop there.

They also announced a $1.1 billion dollar arms package to Taiwan. You know, the nation island that China claims as their own.

As we can see, what brought the world together in 2020 has worn off. As the days pass, the nations are becoming more divided. Not just from each other, but from within as they continue to fight and bicker.

In fact, the risk of global civil unrest is surging in more than half of the nations on earth. This is yet more distress of the nations.

Rest assured, so much hatred and hostility is sourced from the 2020 pandemic itself. From governments response to the pandemic; via monetary stimulus and to the Ukrainian conflict that continues to rage.

As we consider these things, I am once again reminded of Christ’s words.

In one encounter with the Pharisees, they said Jesus performed a miracle through the power of “Beelzebub the prince of the devils,” (Matthew 12:24).

This was Christ’s response…

Matthew 12:25
And Jesus knew their thoughts, and said unto them, Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand:

Jesus guaranteed, if American citizens continue to allow themselves to be divided, then we are surely going to cease being a nation. This applies to every nation on earth.

Let’s not forget the next verse…

Matthew 12:26
And if Satan cast out Satan, he is divided against himself; how shall then his kingdom stand?

Scripture tells us, Satan is the god of this world, (2 Corinthians 4:4, John 14:30).

Satan even offered this power to Jesus in the wilderness, (Matthew 4:8-9). So in spite of all the division in our world today, it’s working to the benefit of Satan. Satan will not destroy himself. Therefore it seems that this global division is from Satan, to even, establish his kingdom.

If so, we only have ourselves to blame.

The Christian nations are no longer Christian.

We allowed Christianity to erode, little by little, day by day. We made room for sin, when room should have never been made. Like Adam, we allowed Satan into our midst, this led to his downfall, and we are certainly embracing our own.

We have not adhered to Scripture…

James 4:7
Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

We have not submitted ourselves to God.

We have not resisted the Devil.

So God has left us, and the Devil just moved in.

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