World’s Largest Gathering Of Satanists Comes To Boston

You’ve heard about “The Satanic Temple.”

That’s the group always trying to get their Blaphmont monument in front of everyone’s eyeballs. Well, they’re getting together in Boston in what’s being hailed as the world’s largest gathering of Satanists.

It sounds a bit spooky, doesn’t it?

We can envision Devil worshippers sacrificing goats and reciting incantations. Except, that’s not what “The Satanic Temple” is all about. Instead, this group is a front for atheists. The media rarely tells you that though, they just run with the headline of Devil, Satan, Devil, blah, blah, blah.

We actually talked about this subject on our community forum. As it turns out, their founder is Douglas Mesner, known as Lucien Greaves.

Lucien, Lucifer, get it?

The guy is actually an atheist.

In fact, this is what “The Satanic Temple” website explains,

No, nor do we believe in the existence of Satan or the supernatural. The Satanic Temple believes that religion can, and should, be divorced from superstition. As such, we do not promote a belief in a personal Satan. To embrace the name Satan is to embrace rational inquiry removed from supernaturalism and archaic tradition-based superstitions. Satanists should actively work to hone critical thinking and exercise reasonable agnosticism in all things. Our beliefs must be malleable to the best current scientific understandings of the material world — never the reverse.

So what’s actually taking place in Boston then?

A convention of atheists parading as Satanists to get Christian’s goats.

It works every time, and the media doesn’t mind sharing the mockery either.

So, guess what the point of the Satanic meetup is all about?

To perform “unbaptisms” on participants to reject religious rites performed when they were children.

That’s right!

So the goons, I mean the Satanists,

“…wear a floor-length, hooded cloak and a black face mask. Their hands are bound with rope, which is then cast off to represent liberation. Pages are torn out of a Bible to symbolise overturning their Christian baptism.”


The goons, or Satanists if you prefer, do all this without revealing their identity.

Hey, it adds to the spook, and well, cowards love to wear masks. Now I don’t know about you, but anyone who tears pages out of a Bible is a big… you fill in the blank.

So what exactly constitutes the world’s largest gathering of Satanists?

Wait for it…

830 people who obtained tickets to the event, including participants who wanted to become “unbaptized.”

What a joke!

830 people and you have the media over here throwing this in our faces?

That’s right, the media is taking advantage of this event in order to mock Christians.

Look at this from the BBC article,

The Satanists say they respect everyone’s right to choose their faith, and they’re not trying to upset people.

That’s right, the good ol Satanists are not trying to upset anyone.


  • Then why are they tearing pages out of the Bible?
  • Why are they dressing up in dark goon atire?
  • Why are they promoting the Blahpmont statue?

We all know why!

To piss Christians off.

Now look how the BBC spins it.

Why thems poor ol atheist Satanists don’t want to upset you…

But Christian protesters from many denominations have gathered outside the hotel, carrying signs warning of damnation.

That’s right!

It’s the Christian’s fault.

It’s those blasted Christians throwing their religion in our faces.

“Repent and believe the Gospel,” urges one. “Satan rules over all the children of pride,” says another – the letters of “pride” shaded in the rainbow colours of the LGBTQ Pride flag.

“We are hoping to show God that we do not accept this blasphemy, and that we Catholics have not abandoned the public square to Satanists,” says protester Michael Shivler, from a conservative Catholic group.

Convention-goers in the lobby eye the protest outside. “They called us ‘dope-smoking masturbators’,” one man reports. “Oooh, sky daddy is mad with me!” someone else jokes.


Yep, there’s the mockery. The media had no issue pointing that out, or making it appear as if the atheists are the righteous ones.

I love how the article ends,

“Satanism stands for everything I believe in,” Typhon Nyx says. “Including bodily autonomy, compassion, respect, science. And Satan represents those who were cast out, those who think differently.

I never found my friends being accepted in the Christian circles. The appeal of Satan is that he is the accepting one, the inclusive one, and someone I can more identify with.

Although, I don’t believe he actually exists.”



People are attaching themselves to “The Satanic Temple” as a means to be a part of “something.” That something is telling them God is not real, and they can be whatever they want to be, do whatever they want, and be accepted by others.

It’s foolishness.

There’s most certainly a God, and one day, everyone’s going to meet Him.

Discussion about “diversity” and “inclusion” won’t matter then.

“The Satanic Temple” is a great example of moral rot in our modern world. These people are more than happy to rebel against mankind’s long history of morality, even seeking to mock and blaspheme God by destroying His Word, and encouraging others to do so.

As Scripture declares,

Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts.

2 Peter 3:3

Those days are here, and they’re walking among us.

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