
The glossary provides additional insight into Biblical words and terms. We do this through Scripture, and by linking you to studies and sections within studies to increase your understanding of each term.

Recently added: Antichrist, Mark of the Beast, Resurrection, Repent, Sin


Abraham was a descendant of Shem, one of Noah’s three sons. God promised Abraham that he would become the father of many nations. This became a reality through the 12 Tribes of Israel, (Gen 17:4-7, 22:17-18).


The Antichrist is specifically the false messiah (Satan), the entity who appears claiming to be God, (Mar 13:22, 2 Thes 2:4, Rev 13:11). The Antichrist can also refer to someone who possesses a spirit that opposes Jesus, (1 Joh 2:22, 2 Joh 1:7).

Ark of the Covenant

The Ark of the Covenant is a large wooden box overlaid with gold, inside and out. It contains items that reminded the Israelites of God’s works, and was the place Moses communed with Him, (Exo 25:10-15, 21-22).


Baptism is the public admission and acceptance of Jesus Christ. This is done by being fully submerged in water signifying spiritual rebirth and cleansing, (Mat 3:13, 16, Joh 3:5, Act 2:38).


Communion is the service where Christians take bread and wine in remembrance of Jesus Christ. The bread is symbolic of His body, and the wine is symbolic of His blood, (1 Co 10:16, 11:23-26).


The Eternity is the infinite age where God Himself will live with mankind on earth. This occurs after the Millennium, when death, pain, and sorrow are no more, (Isa 57:15, Joh 3:15-16, Jud 1:21, Rev 21:3-4).


Faith is possessing complete trust and confidence in God and His Word. All without seeing, yet still fully believing, (Joh 20:29, Heb 11:1, 13).

Fallen Angels

The Fallen Angels are wicked angels who left Heaven (Nephilim), came to earth, and took women as wives. This unholy union produced children who were Giants, (Gen 6:2, 4, Jud 1:6).

Four Beasts

The Four Beasts of Daniel represent global government, in fact, the fulfillment of the sixth kingdom. These symbolic beasts arise just before the Tribulation, with the timing of the Four Winds, (Dan 7:1-8, 17-27).


Historically, a gentile was a non-Israelite or worshipper of false gods. With the advent of Jesus, a gentile (heathen) became anyone who does not accept Christ and seeks after the world, (Gal 3:28-29, Mat 6:32 see: To The Jew First, And Also To The Greek).


Heaven is the dwelling place of God and His Angels. It is also the place we return to when we perish, (Deut 26:15, 1Ki 8:28-30, Ecc 12:6, 2 Co 5:8).


The word Hebrew is first used concerning Abraham in Scripture. Hebrews is an earlier name for God’s people who later became known as Israelites, (Gen 14:13, 32:28, Exo 7:16).


Hell simply means, “the grave”. Hell will be cast into the Lake of Fire before the Eternity, (Rev 20:14). Hell can also mean the “place of departed souls,” which describes those on the wrong side of the Gulf in Heaven, (Luk 16:23).


Jehovah is the name of God as He declared it to Moses. God is the Creator of the heavens and earth, (Gen 1:1, Exo 3:13-14, 6:3).


Jesus Christ is the Son of God and our Lord and Savior. He who was spoken of in the prophets and Psalms, (Mat 27:54, Mar 1:1, Luk 24:44, Php 3:20).

Little Horn

One of many names used to describe the Antichrist. Careful study reveals the Little Horn is the Dragon of Revelation who is Satan, (Dan 7:8, 25, Rev 13:5-6, 2 Th 2:4, 9, Dan 7:21, Rev 13:7, 12:7-9, 13:1).

Mark Of The Beast

The Mark of the Beast is a symbolic mark that indicates someone’s allegiance to the Antichrist, (Rev 12:9, 13:11, 15-17). The mark in the right hand signifies their work for him, while the mark in the mind symbolizes their acceptance of him, (see: The Image Of The Beast).


The Millennium is the 1,000-year reign of Jesus Christ and His Saints. This occurs just after the Tribulation, once Jesus appears, (Rev 11:15, 19:11, 14-15, 19-20, 20:1-4).


A parable is an encoded message. Jesus spoke in parables to conceal the meaning of His messages from non-believers, (Mat 11:25, Luk 8:10, 1 Co 2:14).


To repent means we ask God to forgive us of our sins. We feel remorseful, and want to live according to God’s Law, (2 Ch 7:14, Luk 24:47, Act 3:19).


When we pass away, our spirit is resurrected (as Christ) and we return to God. There is also a “first resurrection” that takes place on the first day of the Millennium, (Ecc 12:7, 2 Cor 5:8).

Seven Seals

The Seven Seals represent God’s Plan of the Last Days. His Plan is sealed in the book, only to be revealed in its proper time, to the proper people, (Rev 5:1, 5:1-17, 8:1).

Seven Trumpets

The Seven Trumpets represent specific actions that unfold with the sound of each one. While the Seven Seals are God’s Plan, the Seven Trumpets are God’s Plan in action, (Rev 8:2, 6-13, 9:1-21, 11:15).

Seven Vials

The Seven Vials represent the wrath of God pouring out on His enemies during the Tribulation, (Rev 15:7, 16:1-21).


Sin is a violation of God’s Laws. Though we are all guilty, we can be forgiven through repentance, (Isa 1:18, 1 Joh 3:4).

Sixth Kingdom

The sixth kingdom represents the completed image in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream. This kingdom is indicative of global government today, and its future fulfillment. This symbolic image is destroyed at Christ’s return, (Dan 2:31-35, 44-45).

Tribes Of Israel

The 12 Tribes of Israel are the descendants of Abraham through Isaac to Jacob whose name was later changed to Israel. This was to be God’s chosen people, those who spread His Word to the world, (Gen 17:18-19, 25:19, 26, 32:28, Deut 7:6, 26:19, Mar 16:15, Act 10:36).


The Tribulation is the time when the Antichrist reigns on earth, this occurs at the Sixth Trumpet. This signifies that Jesus is about to return, (Dan 12:1, Mat 24:21, Rev 13:1, 11, 19:14, 19-20).

More terms will be added with time.

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