Archive: Reader Questions

Questions and comments from readers like you.
Also see Bible Questions.


The Gay Thing

Brandon: I don’t agree with your take on the homosexual issue. Some people, Christians included, are just gay. The amount of slander, junk Bible opinions and bigoted pulpiteering needs to come to an end.


Is Heaven And Paradise The Same Place?

Heaven and paradise are the same place. In fact, paradise simply means, a place of future happiness. One with us and God, joined together, forever.

God's Laws

Brandon, Your Pork Study Makes You A Bigot!

Some believe God cleansed pork in the New Testament. It’s not true, and I’m going to show you why through simple Scriptural analysis. You’re going to love this one.


I Was Called Out By A Reader

Yep, I’m in the dog house with one of my readers. Hey, there could be more, I really don’t know. Now before I spill the beans, I just want to say, I really value your

This Reader Is Really Upset With Life

The days we find ourselves in are pretty tough. Then again, life has always been tough — for everyone — throughout history. I think we tend to forget that, and I think we focus on


Readers Respond To My Rapture Article

Guess what I received a couple of Fridays ago? A couple of nastygrams in my inbox. Nastygrams are feisty, rude, and non-endearing emails. We don’t like nastygrams, but they arrive in my inbox from time


Brandon, Do You Stand With Israel?

Reader: Are you for or against Israel? Yes I am a Christian, and I do not approve of where Israel is in their walk with the Lord, they are pretty hard on Christians.


What Does 1 Corinthians 7:17 Mean?

I was wondering if you could explain 1 Corinthians 7:17. It says, each of you should continue to live in whatever situation the Lord has placed you