Archive: Bible Notes

12 Tribes Of Israel Chart

The 12 Tribes of Israel descend from Abraham through his sons. I’ll provide some explanation, and end with a nice flow chart to put it all together.


What Does IXOYE Mean?

IXOYE is an acronym that means, “Jesus Christ God’s Son Savior.” I’ll cover the details, and the history of the Christian fish symbol.

How Long Is A Day With The Lord?

Have you ever wondered how long one of God’s days are compared to our own? I’ll talk about it, and even go over some simple math to dial in the thought, which proves to be very humbling.

Bible Mistranslations

If you study the Bible (KJV) for any length of time, you will come across some mistranslations and oddities. I discussed this in, “Is The Bible The Actual Or Inspired Word Of God?” As Scripture

All Doesn’t Always Mean All

When we read Scripture, it’s important to ensure we understand the context and what’s being discussed. At times, we read phrases like “all” or “face of the earth.” If we are not careful, we can

God’s Promises Are Conditional

Nearly all of the promises God makes are conditional. We have a great example with king Solomon who failed to hold his end of the bargain, so neither did God.

A Few Good Pharisees

Though the Pharisees are primarily known to perform evil and misdeeds in Scripture, there is always a little light in any dark place.

Civil War Among The Israelites

Civil war has appeared in various cultures over time, the Israelites are no exception. In fact, God was involved, even taking sides in the battles.

The Five Books Of Moses

It’s a subject of much contention, but I believe Moses wrote the first five books of the Bible.

God Asks, Why Did You Break My Covenant?

All throughout the Old Testament, we find the Israelites forsaking God. It’s truly heartbreaking to read when you consider, they witnessed so many of God’s miracles first hand.