The Tribulation Series

This Bible study series will cover events that transpire before the Tribulation, along with those that occur during it. I take you through very specific aspects of the most unprecedented event in mankind’s history.

Back to: The Timeline of the Tribulation

Table of Contents

The Four Winds Of Revelation

We discuss the symbology of the Four Winds which directly ties to the Seven Trumpets. When the Four Winds are released, the Tribulation is at the door.

The Deadly Wound

We explain what receives the Deadly Wound in Revelation. This event will bring humanity to its knees, an event that ushers in the appearance of the Antichrist.

The Timing Of Satan’s Appearance

We identify a potential time frame for the appearance of Satan who is cast from Heaven to earth. The Tribulation now begins with Satan claiming to be God.

The Hour Of Temptation

We explain when the Hour of Temptation takes place, and how it ties to the 70 Weeks of Daniel. We also discuss the Great Apostasy, and the actual length of the Tribulation.

The Epic Battle Of The Saints

We discuss the Saint’s spiritual battle against Satan. We do this from a future perspective, and tie it into the Biblical past concerning Babylon.

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