Topic: Heaven


Is Heaven And Paradise The Same Place?

Heaven and paradise are the same place. In fact, paradise simply means, a place of future happiness. One with us and God, joined together, forever.


Where Is The Ark Of The Covenant?

The Bible tells us, the Ark of the Covenant is in Heaven. The Ark contains items to remind the Israelites of their past, including manna and the Ten Commandments.

When Was Satan Cast Out Of Heaven?

When Was Satan Cast Out Of Heaven?

While Satan once roamed the earth, he is presently bound in Heaven. In the future, Satan will be cast from Heaven to earth which initiates the Tribulation.


Where Do We Go When We Die?

We are all born, and we all pass away, but where do we go when we die? The Bible makes it very clear, we instantly return to God who created our spirit.


What Is The Bottomless Pit?

The bottomless pit is the prison of Satan and his angels. However, Scripture explains Satan accuses us before God. That means, this prison is in Heaven.