Topic: Jesus Christ


Why Is The Trinity So Confusing?

The trinity is the belief the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are the same entity. Yet, this belief has left many confused, so let’s examine Scripture together.


Remember, There Is Only One Savior

These days, it seems more and more of us have forgone our faith in the Almighty. Instead, we lean and rely on men to protect and save us. We even rely on men to provide

Christian Basics

The Parables Of Jesus

Not everyone was meant to understand the parables of Jesus, only the Disciples, and Christians like you. To understand a parable, you need spiritual sight.

Jesus Christ

Why Did Jesus Say, Ye Are Gods?

Christ told the Jews, “ye are gods”. Jesus was actually citing Scripture to let the Jews know there was no sin in Christ being called the Son of God.


Jesus Was Rejected By His Own

Making decisions and standing by them can mean, our family rejects us for those beliefs. Yet, we should remember Jesus and the example He set long ago.

Christian Basics

Is Believing In Jesus Enough To Be Saved?

The Bible explains we must believe in Jesus to be saved. Yet, there is more to salvation as Scripture reveals. We must believe and do the words of Christ.

Jesus Christ

Follow The Light Of Jesus

The world offers us no real hope, no true way to enlighten our life. However, if we follow Jesus Christ, He will lighten our life, and our path through it.

Jesus Has Prepared A Place For You

Jesus Has Prepared A Place For You

When we look at our cruel and dark world, it is so reassuring and comforting to know Jesus promised us we have a place in God’s Kingdom. A promise that is echoed throughout Scripture, (Daniel 7:22).