Bible Study

I use the King James Bible for topical and verse by verse Bible studies. I also reference the Strong’s Concordance so you can understand the meaning of words. This will greatly enhance your understanding of the Bible.

Christian Passover 2024

I’m going to discuss the original passover, and explain how Jesus fulfilled it through His sacrifice on the cross. I’ll also provide a calendar so you understand when Christian Passover begins.

Christian Passover 2024

I’m going to discuss the original passover, and explain how Jesus fulfilled it through His sacrifice on the cross. I’ll also provide a calendar so you understand when Christian Passover begins.

What Does The Bible Say About Easter?

What Does The Bible Say About Easter?

Easter actually refers to the pagan “fertility goddess of spring.” This perversion crept into Christianity thanks to a mistranslation in the KJV Bible. I’ll tell you all about it.

The Last Supper With Jesus Christ

Jesus Became Our Passover Lamb

Passover in the Bible goes back to the time of Moses and blood sacrifice. Yet, Jesus Christ fulfilled the sacrifice by becoming our Passover Lamb.

Colossians 1

We learn to pray for others and overcome darkness through Christ. We’re reminded our hope is in Heaven, while uncovering a mystery and intimate details of Jesus.

1 Thessalonians 2

Paul brought the Gospel to the Thessalonians and always presented himself professionally. He made it known, he acted on a true heart to provide the perfect example of a Christian.

2 Thessalonians 3

We’re instructed to withdraw from disorderly men and tend to our own affairs. We never abandon a brother, but we correct and set a Christian example.

1 Thessalonians 4

We learn to live a life that is pleasing to God by minding our own business and working hard. Paul also discusses the return of Jesus, and how we reunite with our lost loved ones.

The Delusion Of The Last Days

Massive delusion has swept our world. This has led to a separation of people evident among every aspect of society. What has caused this delusional shift?

1 Thessalonians 1

The Thessalonians were converted idol worshippers who suffered persecution for their acceptance of Jesus. This set an example for all the churches to follow, including us today.

Learn A Parable Of The Fig Tree

You’re going to learn the meaning of the parable of the fig tree. I’ll also uncover which “generation” shall not pass until this prophecy is fulfilled.

1 Thessalonians

We’ll learn about the trials of the Thessalonians, and how they relate to us. We’ll also discover how we gather back together with Jesus, and signs that precede His return.

Did We All Come From Adam And Eve?

Did We All Come From Adam And Eve?

God uniquely created all races who He told too spread out into the earth. On the other hand, God formed Adam to tend the Garden, and form the family Jesus came through.

Mark of the Beast

Mark Of The Beast

What is the Mark Of The Beast and why has this topic confounded so many people? In order to answer that question we need to identify not only the Mark, but reveal the identity of

James 4

We cannot be a friend of God and the world, when the world creeps in, our flesh and spirit begin to war. Neither should we boast or worry about tomorrow.

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