Bible Questions And Answers

I’ll help you find the answers you are looking for in the Bible. I invite you to ask a question, or view past Bible questions and answers in the archive.

Does God Change His Mind?

Many would say, God does not change, and there’s Scriptural basis, but in what context? On the other hand, Moses changed God’s mind. Let me tell you about it.

Does God Change His Mind?

Many would say, God does not change, and there’s Scriptural basis, but in what context? On the other hand, Moses changed God’s mind. Let me tell you about it.

Why Did Jesus Say, Turn The Other Cheek?

When Jesus said turn the other cheek, it refers to our faith, He was teaching against senseless revenge. Jesus was not saying we cannot defend ourselves, we can and should.

Who Are God’s Chosen People?

God blessed Abraham with an everlasting covenant, even saying, “Bless them that bless thee.” We’re told this was bestowed on the Jews, but does the Bible really say that?

Can We Eat Pork?

Can Christians Eat Pork?

Do you realize, God said if Christians eat pork, they’re like smoke in His nose? Furthermore, in Leviticus God said do not eat pork, and that never changed.

Why Is The Trinity So Confusing?

The trinity is the belief the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are the same entity. Yet, this belief has left many confused, so let’s examine Scripture together.

When Are You Actually Saved?

Once we confess with our mouth the Lord Jesus, and believe in our heart that God raised Him from the dead, we are saved. Now, let’s talk about the details.

What Is Jesus’ Real Name?

The name of Jesus is spelled according to the language being used. We must preach Jesus in the language of our audience as He instructed. We dive into the details.

Who Was Moses’ Father In Law?

Who Was Moses’ Father In Law?

Moses father in law was Jethro, he was a Midianite priest. This made Jethro a descendant of Abraham. However, his son was a partial Kenite, I’ll explain and clear up a translation error.

Was Melchizedek Jesus?

Jesus never said or implied He was Melchizedek. Nevertheless, portions of Christianity try and force Scripture to fit this narrative which doesn’t hold water. I’ll explain.

Did Animals Eat Meat Before The Fall?

Did death exist before the fall of Adam and Eve? If not, how did carnivores survive by eating plants? We dive into all the details to bring the truth to light.

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