1 Thessalonians

I’m going to take you verse by verse through the First Epistle to the Thessalonians.

Let’s begin with an introduction.


The Apostle Paul.


Around 50 A.D.

1 Thessalonians Summary

This letter was written by Paul and addressed to the Thessalonians. Not only are we going to learn about the early church, but we’ll discover how their trials and tribulations are relevant to us today.

The Thessalonians were heavily persecuted for their faith in Jesus. Yet, they continually remained faithful to Christ. Paul was so proud of the Thessalonians for their unbending faith, he shared their inspirational story with other churches in the region.

As Paul brings the Gospel forward, he always presented himself in a righteous manner. That way, no one could find fault with him. Paul teaches the Thessalonians to endure afflictions, teach from a true heart, and how to treat each other in order to remain spiritually pure.

Paul will also discuss the return of Jesus. He will explain, while the world will be caught off guard by this unprecedented event, Christians won’t.


Thessalonica is located center upper left, above Athens and below Philippi.

Book of 1 Thessalonians Commentary

1 Thessalonians 1

The Thessalonians were converted idol worshippers who suffered persecution for their acceptance of Jesus. This set an example for all the churches to follow, including us today.

1 Thessalonians 2

Paul brought the Gospel to the Thessalonians and always presented himself professionally. He made it known, he acted on a true heart to provide the perfect example of a Christian.

1 Thessalonians 3

Paul comforts the Thessalonians in their faith and explains his own afflictions. He asked God to increase their love toward each other, so they are presented unblameable before God.

1 Thessalonians 4

We learn to live a life that is pleasing to God by minding our own business and working hard. Paul also discusses the return of Jesus, and how we reunite with our lost loved ones.

1 Thessalonians 5

Paul tells us, the return of Jesus will be like a thief in the night, though Christians won’t be caught off guard. He also reminds us to put on faith, and to love and comfort each other.

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