Bible Study

I use the King James Bible for topical and verse by verse Bible studies. I also reference the Strong’s Concordance so you can understand the meaning of words. This will greatly enhance your understanding of the Bible.

Christian Passover 2024

I’m going to discuss the original passover, and explain how Jesus fulfilled it through His sacrifice on the cross. I’ll also provide a calendar so you understand when Christian Passover begins.

Christian Passover 2024

I’m going to discuss the original passover, and explain how Jesus fulfilled it through His sacrifice on the cross. I’ll also provide a calendar so you understand when Christian Passover begins.

What Does The Bible Say About Easter?

What Does The Bible Say About Easter?

Easter actually refers to the pagan “fertility goddess of spring.” This perversion crept into Christianity thanks to a mistranslation in the KJV Bible. I’ll tell you all about it.

The Last Supper With Jesus Christ

Jesus Became Our Passover Lamb

Passover in the Bible goes back to the time of Moses and blood sacrifice. Yet, Jesus Christ fulfilled the sacrifice by becoming our Passover Lamb.

Colossians 2

We’re reminded to stay rooted in Jesus who nailed ordinances to the cross. Never allowing man’s vain philosophy to sway us from Christ and our Heavenly rewards.

The Four Winds Of Revelation

We discuss the symbology of the Four Winds which directly ties to the Seven Trumpets. When the Four Winds are released, the Tribulation is at the door.

The Timeline Of The Tribulation

The Tribulation will be an unprecedented time in world history. We take you through the Revelation timeline to understand the events of the Last Days.

1 Thessalonians 4

We learn to live a life that is pleasing to God by minding our own business and working hard. Paul also discusses the return of Jesus, and how we reunite with our lost loved ones.

1 Thessalonians 5

Paul tells us, the return of Jesus will be like a thief in the night, though Christians won’t be caught off guard. He also reminds us to put on faith, and to love and comfort each other.

1 Thessalonians 2

Paul brought the Gospel to the Thessalonians and always presented himself professionally. He made it known, he acted on a true heart to provide the perfect example of a Christian.

1 Thessalonians 3

Paul comforts the Thessalonians in their faith and explains his own afflictions. He asked God to increase their love toward each other, so they are presented unblameable before God.


We discover how to overcome sin and learn from our temptations. God provides guidance for all walks of life, teaching us how to be good Christian people.

7 Things God Loves

God loves those who love Him, but did you know God also loves sinners and even this mixed up world? I’ll share the Bible verses and add commentary.

How To Study The Bible

How To Study The Bible

Today, we are going to discuss How To Study The Bible, and this video is for everyone. We are going to talk about different Bible study methods, and explain what rightly dividing the Word means,

2 Thessalonians

We’re going to delve into the realm of End Times prophecy. We’ll learn about the return of Jesus, and what events must transpire before that becomes a reality.

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