How To Take Bible Notes

The King James Bible contains 1,189 chapters, with 31,102 verses, and 783,137 words. Simply put, there’s a lot of meat in God’s Word.

So how are you going to remember all of it?

By taking Bible notes!

Now, there are a million different Bible note-taking methods, so which one is best?

The easy and simple one!

For me, most methods are not very realistic as they make Bible study more complicated. They’re certainly well intended, but just getting most people to open Scripture on their own can be tough, we don’t want any extra roadblocks or hurdles to make our studies more difficult.

So, let’s make our Bible note-taking method easy!

Easy Bible Notes

I put together a Bible note template for you to follow. It’s super simple and includes just three fields for you to record as you read each chapter of the Bible.

  1. Summary
  2. Relevance
  3. Verse

Yep, that’s it!

Let me break it down for you.

Summary: You’re going to write a brief summary of the chapter you read. Not only will writing notes help you remember the chapter, but now you have actual Bible notes that you can reference later down the road. It’s simple to do, and it will reap spiritual gains for life.

Relevance: Now you’re going to make a note explaining how the chapter is relevant for Christians today. How is the chapter you just read relevant to you? How can you apply it to your life? That’s what you’re going to pen in this section.

Verse: Lastly, you’re going to write down a verse in the chapter that inspired you or that you feel was important. You may even want to write down some other thoughts in this space or related verses that you want to remember.

All right, so how does it look when completed?

Like this!

We learn to ask God for wisdom and not waiver in our belief. Setting our mind on the things above, not on earthly pleasures ensures we receive a crown of life.
Being swift to hear, slow to speak, and slow to wrath ensures we lead a Godly life and provides that example for others to follow.
12 Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him.

Once you record your own Bible notes for each chapter, you’re essentially building a Bible study library, written by you! You’re going to be able to revisit these notes years down the road to refresh your memory, not just on a single chapter, but an entire book of the Bible.

To make the process even easier, you can download this Bible study notes template below.

In fact, I included a digital version as a .xlsx file, and a black and white printable .pdf version. You’ll also find a “readme” file with some added notes to help you get started. I think this study template will be great for Bible study groups, it’s going to help everyone compare notes.


Download the easy Bible notes template...
I’ll send you the .xlsx and .pdf files for digital or printable Bible note sheets. Great for Bible study groups!

How about some more examples?

Bible Note Examples

To provide you with some added inspiration, and to see how powerful such a simple method can be, here are my Bible notes for the book of James.

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