2 Thessalonians

I’m going to take you verse by verse through the book of 2 Thessalonians.

Let’s begin with an introduction.


The Apostle Paul.


Around 50 A.D.

2 Thessalonians Summary

Paul penned this second letter to the Thessalonians to clear the air, potentially, to ensure imposters were not altering his words. Paul will continue to encourage the Thessalonians to remain faithful to God, despite their ongoing persecution.

That’s such a great reminder for us today, that despite persecution, it’s that persecution that proves our worth to God. It is the literal evidence of our faith in Jesus Christ. Never forget, that our endurance through persecution will grant us a place in God’s everlasting Kingdom.

Paul will also delve into the realm of End Times prophecy, by discussing the return of Jesus, and what must occur before that wonderful event transpires.


Thessalonica is located center upper left, above Athens and below Philippi.

Book of 2 Thessalonians Commentary

2 Thessalonians 1

The Thessalonians remained faithful to God, even during persecution, providing an example for other churches to follow. This persecution meant, they would be worthy of God’s Kingdom.

2 Thessalonians 2

We discover intricate details about the coming of Jesus. There will be a falling away first, and the man of sin will appear claiming to be God. He will deceive the world through miraculous signs and wonders.

2 Thessalonians 3

We’re instructed to withdraw from disorderly men and tend to our own affairs. We never abandon a brother, but we correct and set a Christian example.

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