Topic: Syria


U.S. Military Is Building A New Base In Syria

U.S. Government funded Voice of America is reporting the United States is building a new base in northeast Syria. Don’t pin this one on Biden as some are my friends. This was instituted before Biden


Damascus Pipeline Attacked, Causes Wide Power Outages

WEB Notes: Syria is convinced this was an act of terrorism, and rumors are it was… ISIS. A U.S. General recently warned about a resurgent ISIS. It looks like they need the boogieman once again…


Iran, Syria Announce New Military Partnership

WEB Notes: This is very interesting considering Bible prophecy. Isaiah 17:1 and the prophecy concerning the Ram and the Goat from Daniel come to mind. We continue to see these nations in the news while


U.S. Places New Economic Sanctions On Syria

WEB Notes: The conflict with Syria is not over, it continues each day and now escalates with new U.S. sanctions against Syria. Isaiah 17:1 will come to pass.