The Middle East Is Heating Up: Israel/Biden Bomb Syria

A lot can happen in less than a week. President Joe Biden ordered a military strike against Syria that resulted in the destruction of a supply depot we are told.

The Biden administration said the seven bombs it dropped on Iran-backed militia in Syria were meant to send “an unambiguous clear message.”


It seems like these guys could come up with a new line. It’s always to send a “clear message”.

Apparently, this supply depot in Syria was operated by Iran who was supplying weapons to terrorists in Iraq. The last time I checked, the United States was the largest exporter of arms in the world, but let’s not sidetrack ourselves with the details. After all, those are legal transactions.

Here is some footage of the aftermath.

Don’t worry my friends, we are told,

“This really was a defensive strike meant to help protect … American forces and coalition partners,” Pentagon Press Secretary John F. Kirby said.

If I had a buck every time I heard that line, I could take us all out to dinner. It’s always a defensive strike. You know the line, “War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.”

Nevertheless, we are told Iran is the culprit. New President, same story, nothing ever changes, does it? The agenda just continues to escalate, and that is an agenda that seeks to destroy Iran.

Israel Gets In On The Action

Israel also attacked Syria, saying it was in retaliation for Iran attacking an Israeli cargo ship. Of course, Iran denies being involved, but who cares. Never let a crisis go to waste, especially when you can pin it on your enemy.

The Syrian army said on Sunday evening that Israeli-fired rockets struck parts of southern Damascus in escalating attacks that regional intelligence sources said target Iran-linked assets.


Damascus just happens to be the capitol city of Syria, the oldest in the world. A city that has never ceased from being a city, but one that is prophecised to be.

The burden of Damascus. Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap.

Isaiah 17:1

Before the Return of Jesus Christ, Syria’s capital city will be destroyed. So we always keep an eye out for this sort of news.

Iran and Syria have a military alliance, and more and more we continue to see attacks being waged against Syria in the name of fighting against Iran. This is also important to watch as Bible prophecy is also tied to Iran which we can find in the book of Daniel.

Stay alert, stay awake, and keep the popcorn hot!

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