Topic: The Flood

Begin by reading my Noah’s Flood Bible study series.

Final Thoughts On Noah's Flood
The Flood

7 Important Questions About Noah’s Flood

While our Noah’s Flood Bible study series covered most aspects of the flood. These additional questions are common and the answers are very important to the discussion.

Armenian Highlands south of Caucasus Mountains
The Flood

Where Was Noah’s Flood?

When we understand the reason for Noah’s Flood, and consider the true depth of it. This great Flood must have been local and confined to an enclosed basin.

How Did Insects And Plants Survive Noah's Flood?
The Flood

How Did Insects And Plants Survive Noah’s Flood?

When we consider the possibility of Noah’s Flood being global, many factors and considerations must be taken into account. We must be certain our conclusions are not only Biblically sound, but logically sound to ensure

Were Dinosaurs On Noah's Ark?

Were Dinosaurs On Noah’s Ark?

Young earth creationists believe dinosaurs were on Noah’s Ark. Yet, God told us exactly what animals were aboard the Ark, and dinosaurs were not among them.

How Did The Animals Fit On Noah’s Ark?
The Flood

How Did The Animals Fit On Noah’s Ark?

Could Noah and his family have fed and cared for every animal on the Ark for a year’s time? We explain what God said and disprove other theories.

Was Noah's Flood Global?
The Flood

Was Noah’s Flood Global?

The Bible says Noah’s Flood inundated the earth. However, does that mean the entire planet or just a region of land? We discuss God’s definition, including the Hebrew word.