UK Sentences Antisemite To Jail For Holocaust Denial For First Time

How about this one? A UK court sentenced Alison Chabloz to 18 weeks in prison for sharing “grossly offensive material and messages on social media denying the Holocaust”. Folks, that is thought control. This lady is being condemned, tried, and convicted for her personal opinions.

By the way, this is another perfect example of social media being used as a tool to incriminate you with your own words.

The JPost article refers to Chabloz as an “antisemite” which is quite odd. Most Jews actually identify as Ashkenazi which are not of Israelite descent. When someone says “antisemite” it means someone who is against the sons of Shem, who was one of Noah’s sons.

Therefore, Ashkenazi Jews are not semites. Since they are not of Shem, that means Chabloz is not an “antisemite”.

Don’t let the truth get in the way of a lie though. When people use terms to categorize you, they want to paint you in the colors of the enemy to make you look bad. It’s like when Christians are called “homophobic”.

It is interesting to note,

The UK does not have any specific statute criminalizing Holocaust denial, but the Communications Act prohibits the transmission of messages or material via electronic communications networks that is grossly offensive or of an indecent, obscene or menacing nature.

It’s amazing to think she was actually convicted then.

I notice these phrases, “grossly offensive or of an indecent, obscene or menacing nature” in Terms of Service agreements all over. Anything can fulfill those words. Depending on who you ask, certain content will or will not be “offensive”.

For example, many cartoons are extremely offensive to Jesus Christ. Think of South Park. Then there are numerous television shows that mock Jesus Christ. Even portraying him as a homosexual.

Now to me, that is extremely offensive.

However, in my mind, I would not promote some law putting someone in prison for it. We are all going to be judged when we enter the Pearly Gates. I will simply vote with my dollars by not supporting such insulting gestures.

So that should help iron this one out here. Governments enforcing such laws are out to control your thoughts. Regardless of what your belief is, everyone should be entitled to have such an opinion, without fear of being placed in jail.

I mean, where is the “equality” and “inclusion”?

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