Bible Questions And Answers

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Does God Change His Mind?

Many would say, God does not change, and there’s Scriptural basis, but in what context? On the other hand, Moses changed God’s mind. Let me tell you about it.

Does God Change His Mind?

Many would say, God does not change, and there’s Scriptural basis, but in what context? On the other hand, Moses changed God’s mind. Let me tell you about it.

What Is God’s Name?

From Hebrew, we will translate God’s name together. Then you will know of a certainty it’s Jehovah in English, and Yehovah (YHVH, not YHWH) in Hebrew.

Will Our Family Return With Jesus?

Many of us have lost loved ones along the trail of life. We know they are with God, but do they return with Jesus, and what about those who never accepted Him?

When Are You Actually Saved?

Once we confess with our mouth the Lord Jesus, and believe in our heart that God raised Him from the dead, we are saved. Now, let’s talk about the details.

Why Did Jesus Say, Ye Are Gods?

Christ told the Jews, “ye are gods”. Jesus was actually citing Scripture to let the Jews know there was no sin in Christ being called the Son of God.

Who Was Melchizedek?

Melchizedek was a priest of God and the king of Salem (Jerusalem, Ps 76:2) in Canaan. In essence, Melchizedek was a foreshadow of Jesus who would later come.

Who Are The Very Elect?

The phrase “very elect” is used to provide emphasis, not describe a select group of Saints. We also discuss the 7,000 God set aside that would not serve Baal.

Is Cussing A Sin?

Cussing is not very Godly, and it doesn’t reflect a positive image for Christians. However, is cussing a sin to death?

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