Do We Obtain Salvation By Faith Alone?

Name: Nancy Beale
Question: In John 5:28-29, do good and bad deeds refer to specific things we do, because I thought salvation was through faith alone. Could you explain this verse please?

Answer: Thank you for the question Nancy.

You got it!

We obtain salvation by faith alone.

This is how Ephesians 2:8-9 puts it,

“For by grace are ye saved through faith … not of works.”

However, there’s a bit more to it…

Think about it, what does “believe” and “faith” really mean?

Ironically enough, those are two of the most misunderstood words in the entire Bible!

I’ll explain more later…

Now, I know John 5:29 seems like a contradiction at first, but rest assured, the Bible has no contradictions. We’re going to learn that “faith” and “works” are truly intertwined. Works will not save us, only faith saves us, but true faith involves “good” works.

All right, let’s begin by reading a few verses prior to the one you asked about.

John 5:24
Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life.

This verse echos John 3:16, and it sets the stage for the verse you asked about.

Essentially, if you hear the words of Jesus, and believe in God who sent Christ, then you have everlasting life. If not, then you’re in condemnation, and you’re not going to pass from death to life.

So then, you’re not saved according to “good” works.

Rather, you’re saved if you “believeth on him that sent” Jesus Christ.

That makes it clear, we obtain salvation by faith alone, we’re saved by our belief in Jesus Christ.

There’s more to it though…

We’re talking about true faith, not superficial faith. If we don’t grasp that, we’re going to misunderstand Biblical discussions about “faith” and “belief.”

Now, in John 5:23, the subject also concerns ‘honoring the Son and the Father.’

How exactly do we honor the Father and Son?

By believing in them and adhering to the Word of God.

Let’s have your verse.

John 5:29
And shall come forth; they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation.

Now here, we’re talking about works.

However, we already know we obtain salvation by faith alone. So then, this verse is telling us, our faith is displayed through our works. If we’ve “done good,” then we clearly have the required “faith” to obtain the “resurrection of life.”

I told you, the Bible doesn’t contradict itself.

This verse simply explains, we prove our faith through our works.

You see, “faith, if it hath not works, is dead,” (James 2:17). If we don’t have works to backup our faith, then we have no real faith at all. No one can claim to have faith in Jesus, while refusing to adhere to the Word of God. If you don’t follow the Word of God, then you really don’t believe in Him.

So then, we obtain salvation by faith in Jesus, but we are justified by our works.

James 2:21
Was not Abraham our father justified by works, when he had offered Isaac his son upon the altar?

You see?

Abraham had faith in God.

So much faith, that he was about to sacrifice Isaac just as God asked him too.

Therefore, Abraham’s faith was proven, it was justified through his works.

“Ye see then how that by works a man is justified, and not by faith only.”

James 2:24

Love it!

That’s why “faith without works is dead,” (James 2:26).

So many of us miss that.

Think about it, “faith” means,

  • “Fidelity” in Christ.
  • “Reliance upon Christ.”
  • “Moral conviction” in Christ.

Ahh “fidelity,” that means “faithfulness to” Christ.

So then, “faith” doesn’t mean that you once believed in Jesus and never followed His words.

That’s not true faith.

Now, I can hear some say,

“Well, I “believe” in Jesus.”


That means you “commit” and “entrust” your “spiritually well being to Christ.” It means you “respect” Jesus, and you display that respect by listening to and following His words.

Look, have you ever seen anyone “commit” themself to their career, and never show up for work?

I didn’t think so.

So faith and works are intertwined.

Let me put it all together in three bullet points.

  1. If you believe and have faith in Jesus, and do “good,” you’re saved.
  2. If you believe and have faith in Jesus, and don’t do “good,” you’re not saved.
  3. If you don’t believe and have faith in Jesus, and do “good,” you’re not saved.

Now, before you jump out of your seat, remember what “believe” and “faith” mean to your salvation. They mean you “commit” your life to Jesus Christ. If we truly commit our life to Jesus, then we live according to the Word of God, which means, our faith will be “justified” by our “good” works.

Remember, we are judged by our works, (1 Ki 8:39, Ps 62:12, Rev 20:12).

So we obtain salvation by faith alone, but it must be true faith, which includes “good” works.

In fact, this message shines through in the parables of Jesus. One example is the Parable of the Talents. In that parable, the servants represent Christians, but not all of the servants worked for Jesus. Some were unprofitable, and for that, they were cast into outer darkness, (Matthew 25:14-30).

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