A Wise Man Spares His Words

He that hath knowledge spareth his words: and a man of understanding is of an excellent spirit.

Proverbs 17:27

People often think, the more they blab on about something, the smarter they will appear to others. In reality, the opposite is true. In my experiences, those who love to tell you how much they know, are the people who are more confused than you are or attention seekers.

God said, a truly wise man will spare his words.

That means, a wise person will not carry on and tell you how much they know about a particular subject. Instead, they will humbly discuss a subject in order to help you. That is the mark of a wise man with an “excellent spirit,” (James 3:13).

Never Overshare A Subject With Someone

Over the years, I have known many people who have some Biblical knowledge. Feeling they are armed with “the truth,” they go and overshare with everyone they know. Thinking they are doing a good deed.

In reality, they are simply concerned with perception and feeding their own ego.

“Look how wise I am, and how much I know,” is what they really think.

These same people are shocked when they are rebuffed by family and friends. They are even more shocked when they find out their family and friends want nothing to do with them, as they continually to overshare. Instead of taking a look in the mirror, they blame the problem on family and friends.

Now that is the mark of a truly foolish person.

In the end, they accomplish nothing for God, and actually turn people away from Him. The exact opposite of what we are trying to accomplish as Christians. Christians should share knowledge with others to benefit God’s Kingdom, and to help others with problems.

It’s Not How Much You Know

Never get carried away with what you think you know. Never think you have it all figured out. I don’t care what the subject is, especially the Bible. I am willing to bet, while you may be certain in your beliefs today… Tomorrow you will discover you were wrong about a thing or three.

When you share, whatever the subject may be…

Remember the purpose.

It’s to enhance the understanding of the individual you are speaking with. The purpose is not to brag or boast, those things are in vain. The purpose is to bring the individual up, slowly, at their own pace. You cannot force feed someone knowledge, it simply does not work that way.

Provide knowledge when asked, or when it’s appropriate, then people will see for themselves that you are wise. Then they will come to you with questions or concerns. Your boss will elevate you, and ensure you are on that next important project. He will know he can trust not only your knowledge, but your judgement in using it.

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