Archive: Bible Questions


Do We Obtain Salvation By Faith Alone?

We are saved by faith alone, however, it cannot be empty faith. You’re going to learn, that faith and works are intertwined, and we are even judged by our works.


What Does The Bible Say About Tattoos?

Tattoos are not necessarily a sin. However, God said do not print any marks on your body. The reason? He wants His people to be separate from the world.


Why Were The Canaanites Destroyed?

God told the Israelites they would inherit the land of Canaan. However, God wanted them to kill everyone in the land, but why? The Bible provides a clear answer.

Evil Spirits

How Many Fallen Angels Are There?

The Bible does not specifically say how many fallen angels there are. However, we can obtain an educated guess, and I’ll explain how many will appear during the Tribulation.


When Are You Actually Saved?

Once we confess with our mouth the Lord Jesus, and believe in our heart that God raised Him from the dead, we are saved. Now, let’s talk about the details.

People In The Bible

How Did Judas Die?

Did Judas hang himself or fall, and who purchased the potters field, Judas or the priests? Do these subjects contradict? Let’s open the Bible to clear it up.


Do Wives Have To Submit To Their Husbands?

Scripture clearly states, wives are to submit to their husbands. However, husbands are to love their wives as themselves. Let’s go over the details.


Does God Know When We Will Die?

The Bible says God is all-knowing, but does that mean He knows our future and we have an appointed time to die? Let’s examine the thought and its implications.