Archive: Commentary


How Does The Media Influence People?

When we consider how the human mind works, we typically gravitate to those who share similar thoughts and experiences that we have. It can be political, religious, and so on. That is just human nature.


Think, Think, Think.

Have you ever thought about how we think, and where are beliefs come from? Think about the information we are exposed to each day. This will be a thinking challenge for all Christians.


A Discussion Around Deuteronomy 23

We will elaborate on a Bible Q&A concerning interracial marriage. We also discuss a reader’s email and a few comments that bring up Deuteronomy 23.

Earth Changes

A Family Story From Glacier National Park

It was the summer of 2019, and my children and I were talking about nature as we typically do. We were visiting Glacier National Park and were amazed at the beautiful red, green, and gray


How Should Christians Respond To Social Media Censorship?

The divide between reality and social media continues to expand. Relevant content is continually blocked if it does not fit the platform’s narrative. Todd asked how should Christians deal with this, and what steps should


Never Stop

As I looked at the news today, I just thought, “What a mess.” Do I really want to share finance with everyone today? Not really, it looked pretty grim, but then what else is new

A Message From A Grasshopper

I meant to share this video clip with you a long time ago. For those of you with children in the family, you will appreciate this post, though it is for everyone. The clip below

The Solar System To Scale

The Solar System To Scale

Of all the images we find of our solar system, not one of them is to scale. In this video, these gentlemen travel to the desert and create a model of our solar system. They


60 Minutes: Swine Flu Vaccine Fraud of 1976

We are all familiar with Swine Flu, many of us recall the Swine Flu Pandemic of 2009 that killed 12,500 Americans. This article explains some Americans who received the Swine Flu vaccine suffered neurological disorders.

How Can Brain Dead Patients Show Signs Of Life?

We Have A Soul, Consciousness Found In Brain Dead Patients

I watched this video the other day with Neurosurgeon Michael Egnor. He explained how scientific studies have shown people have consciousness, even when they are clinically brain dead. He explains, this proves the existence of

Brandon, Please Just Shut Up!

Brandon, Please Just Shut Up!

Most of the time, I receive really nice emails from folks. Yet, there are times when I receive what I call, “Nastygrams”. Today, I received a Nastygram which I will share in part with you. Why?