Are We Done With Zelensky Yet?

Another day, another headline about Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

I don’t know about you, but I’ve had just about enough of that milktoast. Then again, I’ve had enough of politics all together. It’s ever so tiring, isn’t it?

But, it’s Friday, what else are we going to talk about on this fine morning?

Trump or Monkeypox?


Ahh, we covered Sasquatch already, so Zelensky it is!

I ran across this Stars and Stripes article. It would seem, the Z man has about worn out his welcome. That is, unless you’re Sleepy Joe who is sending Volodymyr another $800 million buck-a-roos. I think that makes about $54 billion in total, but whose counting?

It’s not like it’s your money anyway.

So in that article, the whole deal was about how Zelensky responded before the Russian invasion. Prior to the invasion, Zelensky pretty much brushed off the idea that Putin would actually send in Russian steel.

Of course, Zelensky did that for economic gain.

What other reason would a man have to con his citizenry to stay?

So, in fear that Ukrainian’s would flee the land and trigger an economic collapse, Zelensky played the game.

“If we had communicated that . . . then I would have been losing $7 billion a month since last October, and at the moment when the Russians did attack, they would have taken us in three days,” Zelensky said.

Ahh ha!

His decision wasn’t about the well being of the people, but money and power.

As always, it’s about the cheddar, money, paper, whatever you want to call it. Who cares about the lost lives of the innocent when there’s fiat currency at stake. Zelensky knew an invasion was imminent, the U.S. had been screaming about it loud and clear. Then, who knows what other private and specific details the Z man actually had behind closed doors.

So the gist is, Zelensky didn’t want to loose $7 billion a month in a national financial crisis, pre-war. So, he didn’t sound the alarm. You know what the good book says about that don’t you?

If you have advance notice, and you don’t sound the alarm, well, the blood is on your hands, (Ezekiel 33:6).

Moving on…

So, perhaps it’s not just me who is sick of hearing about Zelensky and propaganda like this.

Zelensky and his wife featured in Vogue

Apparently, there is a leaker in the White House.

The New York Times penned this,

“The timing could not be worse. Dear reader: The Ukraine war is not over. And privately, U.S. officials are a lot more concerned about Ukraine’s leadership than they are letting on. There is deep mistrust between the White House and Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky — considerably more than has been reported.”

So why is rotten Joe still sending money to Ukraine?

Good question.

Maybe it’s about Build Back Broke, I mean Better plan. You know, that disturbing globalist agenda that keeps pressing itself upon the world. Ah, but let’s get past these minor details for the moment and look down the road a bit.

The Russian invasion of Ukraine has cost $108 billion dollars in damage. Even worse, according to the Kyiv School of Economics,

“…the total need for financing the recovery and modernization of the economy is $750 billion.”

Whose going to pay for that?

As it turns out, Zelensky and his high heel shoes were the worst thing that ever happened to Ukrainians. He brought them war, ruin and utter devastation by pressing to be a part of NATO.

That’s all right, a sucker is born every minute they say. That next sucker just may be China. Zelensky is already buttering up the Communist in chief, better known as Xi Jinping. The Z man wants Xi to help rebuild Ukraine once the war is over.

So you can see how quickly Zelensky will jump from ship to ship to ensure he stays above water. Apparently, that’s all he cares about. Ohh, and dancing of course.

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