My Thoughts On The State Of The Union – 2024

Hopefully you had a chance to catch Biden’s state of the union address.

You may not like him, but it’s good to hear things from the horses mouth, before they’ve been filtered through your favorite political pundits.

Biden said a few good things, he has a few good agenda items, but it was mostly political nonsense as you would expect. There were things like reducing credit card late fees and lowering insulin and other prescription drug prices.

That all sounded good, companies do need regulated, I just wish we had someone to regulate government.

Ahh, but that’s a different subject for a different time.

Despite a few positive highlights, the list of items I had issue with was extensive.

I can tell the Speaker of the House and I were on the same page to a large degree, his eye rolls, and his head shakes were key indicators.

“We Will Not Back Down”

So Biden started his speech by amplifying his Russian rhetoric saying, “we will not back down.” This echos the sentiment from the Frenchie, Macron who recently said, “we must show we have no limits” like Putin.


Biden continued saying, ‘If we don’t stop Putin now, he’ll march on Europe.’

My friends, I truly hope you don’t believe that.

If you do, you’ve been suckered.

Look, for two years now, we’ve been told how Russia is losing the war, Putin was about to die of cancer or eating too much ice cream. Wait, that’s Biden, anyway, you get my point.

We’ve been told Russia is extremely weak…

But now, it’s different!

That’s right, now Putin is going to march on Europe.

Now wake up folks.

Either Russia is weak and about to be defeated, or it was all hot air.

I mean, if Russia’s weak, how can they take on NATO?

They can’t.

So my point, it’s all propaganda.

In actuality, the war in Ukraine is about globalization and America leading the charge, that’s it.

So again, before you grasp onto some political ideology and/or especially a Biblical belief…

Challenge yourself.

Don’t just ask why it can be true, ask yourself why your theory may not be true.

Try to prove yourself wrong.

Otherwise, you’re just being conditioned to someone’s agenda or belief system.

From there, Biden did the January 6th saga.

Then played like he wanted to stop all the illegals from flowing in.

Then Biden jumped over to abortion…


Of course, he didn’t really say “abortion,” he said “healthcare rights for woman.”


Biden continued…

Instead of saying, ‘the state of Texas prevented the woman from murdering her child,’ Biden said, “Texas prevented this woman from the care she needed.” He had a guest he was addressing. Some gal who wanted to murder her child in Texas, but she had to travel outside of the state to do it.

It’s absolute brainwashing.

You can phrase things in one way to make it sound and mean something completely different.

To make it sound, “palatable.”

Biden went on to say how women who’ve been raped or in cases of incest can’t get this “care.”

We’ll, let me tell you something…

Here’s the typical reasons why woman have abortions:

  • 74% –  Having a baby would dramatically change my life.
  • 73% – Can’t afford a baby now.
  • 48% – Don’t want to be a single mother or having relationship problems.


That’s the reality here.

Women and men decide to have a little unprotected fun, produce a baby, and then they want to end the “problem.”

I can hear um now…

“But Brandon, rape, rape, incest, incest.”


Here’s the truth…

Rape accounts for just 1% of abortions, while incest makes up less than 0.5%.

One more time…

Rape accounts for just 1% of abortions, while incest makes up less than 0.5%.

So yes, Biden’s words were disheartening to hear. How these people use palatable words to justify abortion. By the way, Biden’s supposed to be a Catholic, he should know better.

From there, Biden jumped over to the “climate crisis.”

Climate Crisis

Look, there’s no crisis.

Believe it or not, earth has been spinning for no doubt, billions of years. It will keep spinning for a billion more. God never said the earth is going away, quite the contrary. Moreover, those melting glaciers have been melting for 12,000 years.

Think about that.

Glaciers have been melting for 12,000 years.

What does that tell you?

“Well, gosh golly gee Brandon. It tells me they were melting before man was around.”

You don’t say?

So don’t let anyone con you about this “climate crisis.”

It’s a political ploy, end of story.

“Assault Weapons”

Biden then went on to talk about banning “assault weapons” and “high capacity magazines.”

So here’s the deal…

Most people don’t know squat about firearms.

When they hear, “assault weapons,” they think, “Yeah, those should be banned.”

Let me tell you something…

“Assault weapons” is a made up term.

The AR-15 rifle is typically called an “assault weapon.” Yet, it fires the same ammo that some brown wooden rifles use. The AR-15 is not an automatic weapon, it’s a semi-auto. That means, for one trigger pull, you get one round out of the barrel.

So this whole “assault weapon” term is just like the “women’s care” term.

It’s politically sensitive speech to drive an agenda in your direction.

Then Biden jumped over to the Israel/Hamas war…

Israel And Hamas War

He went through the motions…

Biden explained how 1,200 Israelis were killed by Hamas terrorists. Surprisingly enough, Biden also said 30,000 Palestinians were killed, and their cities have been destroyed. Biden slapped Israeli on the wrist, and said they have to stop the brutality.

That’s unlikely.

The best part, the U.S. is setting up a pier off the coast of the Gaza Strip to provide “humanitarian aid” in Gaza.

Now this kills me…

Our country is the reason 30,000 Palestinians are dead.

Our country is the reason they need “humanitarian aid.”

So we pay to kill and we pay to fix.


Look, we’re providing the rifles, bullets, and bombs.

Israel has nothing, their a micro nation with nothing.

If we did not fund Israel to the gills and provide armaments, Israel would be forced to make peace with their neighbors, but they don’t want that. Ohh and don’t even play that Jew chosen people bit with me. It’s made up Christian doctrine that still infects our faith.

YOU are God’s chosen people.

That’s what the Bible says, not the heathen religion known as Judaism, (Galatians 3:28-29).

If you disagree, I highly recommend you read some of the articles in my topic “Jews.”

It’s extremely enlightening.

There’s much you’re not being told.


So the fact of the matter is, the two biggest crises that Biden spoke about are caused by the United States. The fiasco in Ukraine and Gaza.

I say that, as again, who is funding the war?

We are.

Our country is providing bullets and bombs.

If you stop doing that, then “nature” will take its course.

See, I can use politically sensitive speech too.

In essence, nations need to fix their own problems.

That would mean, more people are alive to enjoy life, in peace, with their families.

Now back to you…

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