What Is The Locust Army?

Name: Martha
Question: Can you give clarification on the Locust Army?

Answer: Thank you for the question Martha.

The Locust Army of Revelation will be absolute when Satan appears on earth with his angels. That will signify the angelic portion of this army. We will discuss that more in a moment.

However, on another level, the Locust Army exists even today. We can see this in our world as the mainstream pushes forward an anti-God agenda. I do believe this makes up the fleshly aspect of the Locust Army, or the Clay portion as the Book of Daniel would explain.

Nevertheless, we will learn, God controls this army.

Locust Army Completely Destroys

Let’s turn to the book of Joel where he will discuss an army of locusts.

Joel 1:4
That which the palmerworm hath left hath the locust eaten; and that which the locust hath left hath the cankerworm eaten; and that which the cankerworm hath left hath the caterpiller eaten.

Some Christians believe this verse describes “four stages” of the Locust Army which corresponds to four stages of a locust’s lifecycle. However, locusts only have three stages to their lifecycle, not four.

If we look up these four words;

  • Palmerworm
  • Locust
  • Cankerworm
  • Caterpillar

We find three of them mean “locust” and the other one means a “young locust”. This helps us understand, we are not talking about specific growth cycles of locusts as there is no order, much less cohesion.

We are simply being provided with emphasis as to the destroying power of the Locust Army. We are being told, as the Locust Army matures, it will consume everything until there is nothing left to consume.

We can see the Locust Army is reaching maturity by looking at world events.

Locust Army Destroys Our Works

What exactly is eaten by the Locust Army?

Deuteronomy 28:38 explains,

Thou shalt carry much seed out into the field, and shalt gather but little in; for the locust shall consume it.

In times of old, people had to farm in order to sustain themselves and their families. A plague of locusts could easily destroy their crops in short order.

That is the symbology God is placing into our minds.

So we see the Locust Army consumes the fruit of our works.

Today, most people do not work in the field, however, the results are the same. Our hard work is consumed by the Locust Army through things like taxation, interest payments, and inflation when we look at this from a financial aspect.

If we think about it, our entire way of life has and is being consumed by the Locust Army. Look at our schools, churches, and governments today. They are a mess, our children are not learning in school, many churches are not teaching the Word of God, and governments are overpowering the people.

Locust Army Is Numerous

Essentially, a part of the Locust Army makes up the “Sixth Kingdom” on earth today, part clay, (Daniel 2:41).

In the future, the seventh kingdom of Revelation 17:10-11 will rise alongside the sixth kingdom when Satan and his angels are cast from Heaven to earth, part iron, (see: The Scarlet Beast).

Joel 1:6
For a nation is come up upon my land, strong, and without number, whose teeth are the teeth of a lion, and he hath the cheek teeth of a great lion.

A nation, a kingdom (sixth kingdom) has come upon God’s People. This word “nation” can even mean “a flight of locusts” and this “nation” is symbolized by the destroying powers of Joel 1:4 that we just discussed.

We should note, the description of this Locust Army matches the Locust Army from Revelation 9:8 as it is one and the same.

We know the portion of the Locust Army mentioned in Revelation 9:16 consists of 200 million wicked angels that Satan brings with him, (Revelation 12:9). While the book of Joel said it is without number, which means the entire Locust Army is combined in that statement, the part clay and part iron that Daniel 2:41-44 explains.

God Controls The Locust Army

While Satan, “the god of this world” works within “the children of disobedience” who form the fleshly portion of the wicked Locust Army, Satan does not even control this army, (2 Corinthians 4:4, Ephesians 2:2).

This shows just how little control Satan really has.

Instead, the Locust Army is controlled by God.

Joel 2:25
And I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpiller, and the palmerworm, my great army which I sent among you.

God said, the Locust Army is His Army that He sent among us.

Why did God send this army among the people?

The people have refused to follow God, instead, they have sought out perversion and wickedness, and God will not stand for that, (2 Thessalonians 2:10, Romans 1:26).

All throughout the Old Testament God sent plagues and placed the enemy over His People to chastise them, in order to bring them back to God.

This time, God will use the Locust Army to chastise the people, and also bring about the fulfillment of prophecy through this army. The best part of this, while Satan will one day lead the Locust Army on earth, God still controls it from Heaven.

Ensure you did not read over that verse, there are blessings there for those who love and follow God. God stated, He will restore all of our works that were consumed by the Locust Army, that is a promise.

Ranks Of The Locust Army

We now know the locust spoken of are in fact an army, which means there are ranks within this army. This is important to understand as it helps us understand how this army functions.

Here is the order of rank for the Locust Army.

  • Lieutenant – Media, Corporations, etc.
  • Captain – Governments.
  • Major – Satan’s angels (when Revelation 12:7-9 is a reality).
  • Colonel – Satan himself (when Revelation 12:7-9 is a reality).
  • General – God Himself.

Remember, this is God’s Army. God will place His Will into the heart of Satan’s angels (Major’s, part iron) so they must fulfill God’s Will, (Revelation 17:17).

Our Leaders Are A Part Of The Locust Army

Turn your Bible with me to,

Nahum 3:17
Thy crowned are as the locusts, and thy captains as the great grasshoppers, which camp in the hedges in the cold day, but when the sun ariseth they flee away, and their place is not known where they are.

We are being told, our “crowned” which are our “princes”, our elected officials are a part of the Locust Army. They serve as the Captains, while the mainstream media, corporations, and other institutions serve as the Lieutenants of the Locust Army.

When we think about Bible history, God always used governments to chastise His People when they fell away from Him. We can think about Nebuchadnezzar in Babylon and other governmental leaders who took God’s People into bondage. Today is no different.

Nehemiah 9:6-38 provides a great summary of Israel’s many fallings away.

Locust Army Completes Maturity During The Tribulation

There is no doubt in my mind, the Locust Army does not reach full maturity until the Tribulation. When Satan is on earth, when his seventh kingdom reigns with the sixth kingdom, (Revelation 17:10-11).

Turn your Bible with me to, 

Joel 2:4
The appearance of them is as the appearance of horses; and as horsemen, so shall they run.

We are being given another description of the Locust Army.

This description (Joel 2:4-5) along with Joel 1:6 perfectly aligns with the description provided in Revelation 9:7. This portion of the Locust Army belongs to the rank of Major, these are Satan’s angels.

Joel 2:7
They shall run like mighty men; they shall climb the wall like men of war; and they shall march every one on his ways, and they shall not break their ranks.

We are being given a description of wicked angels who will appear with Satan, once Satan is cast out of Heaven by Michael. These wicked angels number at 200 million.

This angelic portion (part iron) of the Locust Army will not break their ranks. This means they will not revolt or deviate from their purpose, which is to convince you that Satan (Antichrist) is God, and they are God’s Angels.

This is in fact the will of God, to bring about the fulfillment of Bible prophecy, (Revelation 17:17).

Joel 2:8
Neither shall one thrust another; they shall walk every one in his path: and when they fall upon the sword, they shall not be wounded.

This verse signifies the angel’s Satan brings with him cannot be wounded. This further proves we are talking about supernatural angelic entities who are a part of the Locust Army, not literal locusts.


When we think about the Locust Army, we cannot pinpoint them to a specific group or organization.

The Locust Army consists of numerous groups like the radical left and right, groups like ISIS (Taliban). It includes the mainstream media who plays their part by keeping the people in a constant state of confusion and division.

It includes our education systems and scientific realms who teach, there is no God. Worse yet, our “princes” who are our elected leaders are also a part of this army.

In short, the Locust Army consists of the unrighteous and wicked elements of the world.

This makes perfect sense, as “the whole world lieth in wickedness”, and one day, “the whole world” will worship the beast, (1 Jo 5:19, Rev 12:9, 13:3, 16:4). Before the Tribulation begins, the Locust Army will have destroyed all that is right in our world to make way for the acceptance of Satan.

You should not be terrified or concerned about this. Remember, God controls the Locust Army. God promised the Locust Army can only harm “those men which have not the seal of God in their foreheads,” (Revelation 9:5). If you are Sealed with our Father’s Word, the Locust Army cannot harm a single hair on your head, (Luke 21:18).

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