How’s Your Personal Economy Doing?


It’s been a tough egg to crack, hasn’t it?

I recall going months without buying eggs. Hey, I’m not going to buy certain items when they’re inflated to the moon. The same went for ground beef, unless you get it at those big club stores!

Thankfully, some of those prices have come down.

At the same time, we’ve also seen prices comedown, just to spike once again.

I’m quite certain, we’re going to get more of that. I mean, it’s really tough for inflation to drop when the government is spending money — they don’t have — like water.

So my guess… Inflation will no doubt keep dishing up surprises.

Of course, this record inflation was created by our government.

It all started back in 2008, well, decades before then, but let’s stay with recent history. Then from 2016 to 2020, it was launched into the stars thanks to the Administration of the day. Then COVID came along, and government spending shot even higher.

All of our woes have been due to this more recent history. The present Administration continues to spend, spend, spend. So here we are, the little guy trying to make it through life, while keeping a smile on our Christian face.

You are smiling right?


It’s Friday after all!

Now, one big indicator of massive inflation has been the price of homes.

Holy smokes!

They shot into the stratosphere, thanks to all that money printing, record low interest rates, and the government paying peoples rent during COVID. So here’s the deal, the governments policies created all of the crises we are dealing with, imagine that.

Anywho, I caught this article the other day titled,

I’m not going to kid you, my first thought was…

Ahh yes, you own nothing and you will be happy…

Hey, when it becomes cheaper to rent then own, by a large margin, that sure triggers such a thought, doesn’t it? In the least, it means home prices are insane.

You see, for all those folks that received a 3% mortgage, they can’t move now! Even if they wanted to. If they did, they would have to get a mortgage near 7% on a house that’s still too close to record price levels. Imagine that payment!

Yeah, that’s not happening.

So that’s why the housing market isn’t turning over, there’s not much buying and selling going on.

Now, outside of that biggie, consumer sentiment is on the rise as more and more people see inflation dissipating.

How’s your consumer sentiment doing?

For most, it must be pretty rosy, as less people are saving, but more people are “YOLO splurging.”

If you rolled your eyes, you’re not alone…

YOLO splurging?

It’s “you only live once” spending.

Good grief!

This generation will come up with anything to make a shortcut in life.

We used to call it, “you only live once,” but hey, YOLO is easier, faster, and takes less effort.


Anyway, it means people are more reckless with their money, and they’re not planning for the future. Hey, you should always plan for the future. Otherwise, one day, you’ll wake up in the future without an pot to… Well, you finish that one to your own liking.

So here we are…

My question to you,

  • How is your personal economy doing?
  • Is it boom or bust, and what are you doing to improve it?

For us, I’ll comeback to the bit about the housing market…

As you know, we’ve been on the road for several years now.

Ahh, and this year…

This is the year where we decide which state we’re going to call home… We have it narrowed down to Montana or Tennessee, and we even have general locations picked out in both places.

Yes, there’s pros and cons to both states.

Now, back in October, we were supposed to have made our big decision…

Then like the government, we kicked the can down the road…

We said, “by November we’ll decide…”

Then came December, then February…

No decision, only lots of can kicking.

Yep, all those months came and went, but this time, we have to lock it in. We have to become brave and make that big decision. So, decision day comes on Tuesday, my birthday, and this year, Christian Passover.

How about that?

Some of my family members have cast a partial vote, while others are still undecided.

I’ve kept my vote hidden to not influence the wife and kids.

I’ll let you in on the secret though, I pick…

Come on, the wife’s probably going to read this, I’m not spilling the beans!

To be honest, it’s a tough decision, both places are just fantastic.

So that’s our big economic decision this year.

I can’t say if we’ll buy a house this year, we’ll have to see. Prices are past outrageous in Montana, while Tennessee is much more reasonable. We could build depending on the cost, but I’d rather just move in and play. We’ll see, it’s something we’re always praying about.

So with that, let’s hear from you…

Happy Friday!

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