What Are Your Thoughts On 5G Technology?

Name: Amy
Question: Hi Brandon, thank you as always for your site and studies. I wanted to know your thoughts on 5G? I have done some research and it seems to be pretty bad and some say it’s a silent genocide. What are your thoughts? God bless you and thank you.

Answer: Amy, thank you for the question and you are very welcome. Let me thank you for your readership as well.

I have read some of the articles about the dangers of 5G technology. Rarely though will you find one written by a true expert of the technology. Often times you will read these type of articles on websites that also want to sell you items to protect you from those dangers. Buyer beware.

People always seem to fear the unknown, so the best way to combat that is to know. To read and learn as you are trying to do.

As an Engineer for nearly 20 years, I am well versed in communications. Much has been written about the soon to be released 5G technology and there are some causes for concern. It is well known that even today’s cellular technology is harmful to the human body.

Long-term use is the culprit and that is when the cell phone is in close proximity to our body, obviously during an active call or the process of sending and receiving some other data.

Since we already know cellular transmission is harmful, it is safe to say 5G will be harmful as well as it operates through the transmission of radio frequencies (RF) just as today’s technology. The problem is the radiation from the phone and some phone manufacturers emit more radiation than others as a side note.

5G technology also uses a much denser infrastructure than today’s 4G technology. Simply meaning, instead of cell towers miles apart, they will be feet apart (and much smaller). This means even more RF will be transmitted through the air which obviously hits our bodies. Of course, this type of technology will only be available in cities, in a country setting it does not seem practical at this point.

On a semi-positive note, 5G will transform our world communication wise. We will have nearly real-time communication which will enable machines to do more. Think about self-driving cars, automation, even remote surgeries and that only scratches the surface. I am not necessarily a fan of those things, but it is coming regardless how any of us feel about it. We are in and continue down the road to the most amazing time in the history of the world.

Do I think it is genocide?

Absolutely not.

Even the wicked have to live in this world and they operate in the big cities no less which of course will have 5G technology.

Knowledge is power. The more we know about a subject the better informed we become which enables us to make better decisions in our life. No one should be afraid of the future or scared to venture out of their home. When we allow fear to creep in and trap us, we have already stopped living.

Additional Reading:
Here are two articles on 5G technology for those who wish to learn more.

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