Did Iran Attack Israel, Or Retaliate? A Prophetic Message

It’s all over the news, Iran attacked Israel.

In fact, this was an unprecedented attack. Iran has never attacked Israel before.

So why now?

“Well Brandon, Iran wants to exterminate the Jewish state.”

Now friends, these are the times when you really have to take a step away from the herd. These are the moments when you need to relax and ask questions.

Ask yourself, why did Iran attack Israel?

In reality, it was in response to Israel attacking an Iranian consulate in Syria on April 1st. An attack that killed several top Iranian generals. Yes, Israel assassinated some of Iran’s top military brass. This is not the first time, and it won’t be the last time either.

In fact, in the past, the United States assassinated Iranian general Qasem Soleimani. Iran promised to respond, but they never did anything noteworthy. Over the years, the United States and Israel have attacked Iran’s various nuclear facilities over and over again, all inside sovereign Iranian territory.

Yet, Iran never did a thing in response.

Now, I want you to recall what happened back in January…

A memorial service was being held for the slain Iranian general, Qasem Soleimani, and bombs went off killing innocents in attendance. Then, days before that event, several top Iranian commanders were assassinated at an airport in Syria.

Who dun it?


Get this, Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant even implied responsibility saying, Israel “strikes our enemies all over the Middle East.” Friends if you simply look back through the news archives, you’ll see that Iran has been attacked numerous times without reprisal.

Yet, this time was different…

In all honesty, I’m still a bit surprised Iran responded. They surely know Israel is provoking them into a wider conflict. In turn, Israel is provoking the United States into a wider conflict. Nevertheless, I truly believe, Iran retaliated against Israel to save face.

Look, we’re told Iran has numerous proxies in the Middle East. Iran had to do something to show support for the “resistance.” Interestingly enough, Iran told the United States — in advance — they were going to attack Israel via drones and missiles, and that would “conclude” their retaliation.

Who tells someone they’re only going to punch you once before doing so?

Someone who really doesn’t want a fight to begin with, but someone who has to stand their ground.

Look, if you really had it out for the other guy, the last thing you would do is tell him you’re about to punch him. Yet, that’s exactly what Iran did. Iran wanted the world to see them respond to Israeli aggression, but Iran didn’t want to decimate Israel in the process due to U.S. reprisal.

In fact, Iran’s attack was extremely weak…

The United States even said, Iran’s response should be “within certain limits.”

What limits?…

We’re being told anywhere between 150-300 drones were launched and a few dozen missiles. With advanced notice, of course U.S. forces and Israel would be able to take out such an attack. Get this, not only did they take out the attack, we’re told not a single drone reached Israel.

In fact, ‘99% of Iranian aerial threats were shot down’ according to IDF Spokesperson R.-Adm. Daniel Hagari. Even more, the extent of the attack on Israel only manage to injury one person and 31 people were “treated for anxiety.”

Uhh huh.

Yet, Israel leveled a building and murdered several Iranian military members, but Iran only harmed one individual. I’d say Israel won that spate.

However, Israel wants to respond!

Why are they responding when they started the mess to begin with?

The answer, they want chaos.

You don’t believe me?

Then go take a look at Gaza.

It’s decimated.

It’s leveled.

Who dun it?


And that my friends, is another reason why Iran finally responded to Israeli aggression. Israel is going way too far. They’re destroying Gaza, attacking Lebanon, Syria, and so on. All that’s going to do is bring on more hatred for Israel, and bring more of the Middle East down upon it.

It’s shocking that Netanyahu is still in power.

He’s absolutely destroying Israel.

I want to share some recent quotes from Bibi with you…

Just before the Iranian strike Bibi said,

“Citizens of Israel, in recent years, and even more so in recent weeks, Israel has been preparing for the possibility of a direct attack from Iran.”

Now that is hogwash.

He poked Iran in the eye, it was a provoked response.

Moreover, Bibi’s been using that same line for decades.

Remember his picture of the cartoon bomb at the United Nations?

Don’t lose sight of this simple fact, Iran retaliated. Iran did not start the conflict, Israel did by aassasiating the Iranian generals in Syria on April 1st, not to mention all of Israel’s past aggression.

Bibi continued…

“I established a clear principle — whoever hurts us, we will hurt them. We will defend ourselves from any threat and we will do so calmly and with determination.”

Bibi is certainly a politician, he attacks someone else and doesn’t expect a reprisal. In his eyes, any reprisal is “aggression.” Israel can do to others, but others cannot do to Israel.

Get this…

This notion even bothers U.S. officials, including Joe Biden.

U.S. officials have privately expressed frustration with Israel’s decision to strike the Iranian consulate in Syria, saying Israeli leaders did not think through the timing and implications of the attack, including how it might affect negotiations over the release of hostages held by Hamas.

I don’t think they had a strategy,” the senior administration official said. “The Israelis don’t always make the best strategic decisions.”


In fact, Biden even told Bibi that Israel was unharmed, “You got a win. Take the win.”

It’s doubtful Israel will, so,

“Biden told Netanyahu that the U.S. will not participate in any offensive operations against Iran and will not support such operations, Netanyahu said he understood.”


I’d really like to believe that, I really would.

Yet, it’s hard too when America is the nation responsible for all the carnage in Gaza. We fund Israel, we provide their bullets and bombs. Without our bullets and bombs, there would be no dead Palestinians. There would be no dead Iranian generals and there would have been no attack on Israel.

So in essence, our nation is sowing much — if not all — of the discord in the world.

Don’t shake you’re head…

If we weren’t funding Ukraine, they would have fell by now, and that bloodbath would have been over.

Now, I want to get back to something else Bibi said in his address to Israel the other day…

“Together we stand, and with God’s help, together we will overcome all of our enemies,” Netanyahu says.

Now this is ironic…

Politicians never talk about God, unless it helps their political agenda.

Moreover, do you realize that Talmudic Jews believe they’re above God?

Again, don’t shake you’re head, you’ve never read the Talmud, have you?

Let me cite a passage for you…

Bava Metzia 59b:5
“Since the Torah was already given at Mount Sinai, we do not regard a Divine Voice … What did the Holy One, Blessed be He, do at that time … The Holy One … smiled and said: My children have triumphed over Me; My children have triumphed over Me.”

In fact, Talmudic Jews believe:

  1. Jews can lie and deceive Gentiles.
  2. Jews can steal from Gentiles.
  3. Jews can murder Gentiles.

Yet, we’re going to trust and support these people?

Are you absolutely insane?

Ohh and Bibi is insane…

Netanyahu was actually going to hit Iran back right away, but Bibi called it off after his chat with Biden.

All right, let’s change gears for a moment.

I want to bring in Scripture…

If you’re familiar with my work, I have a Bible study series called, “The Timeline of the Tribulation.” Within that series, I have a study titled, “Daniel’s Vision: The Ram And The Goat.” It’s based on Daniel chapter 8.

I’m not going to rehash the whole thing here, you can do a search and read it, but I want to cover a few verses…

Daniel 8:2
And I saw in a vision; and it came to pass, when I saw, that I was at Shushan in the palace, which is in the province of Elam; and I saw in a vision, and I was by the river of Ulai.

As you know, in this chapter Daniel has this great vision. It’s largely symbolic, but I contend that portions of it must be literal, specifically, the geographical location mentioned…

So Daniel has this vision in a city named “Shushan,” which is known as “Susa” today.

I’ll give you just one guess where that city is located…


Yet, we’re given even more details about where Daniel had this vision…

It was “by the river Ulai,” which is known as the “Karun River.”

Guess where that’s located?


This is important, as Daniel 8 leads up to this great conflict between the Ram and Goat. I believe that Ram is symbolic of Iran, and the Goat is symbolic of “the West.” In the end, the Ram is broken by the Goat, but shortly after, the Goat is also broken, and that’s when End Times prophecy really unfolds.


Daniel 8:8
Therefore the he goat waxed very great: and when he was strong, the great horn was broken; and for it came up four notable ones toward the four winds of heaven.

When the Goat is broken, which I believe is symbolic of “the West,” that unleashes the Four Winds.

That is “the” event that truly kicks off the end of the Last Days.

When the Four Winds are unleashed, that tells us the 144,000 are Sealed with the Word of God, and they’re ready, for the Tribulation to begin.

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