What Was Adam’s Sin?

Name: Charisa
Question: I had a question about Adam when he sinned with Eve in the garden of eden. If Eve sinned sexually with a seductive Satan aka the Serpent, she shared with Adam. Even though I feel as though Adam wasn’t aware of homosexuality because I don’t believe it existed at that time. What was it considered because the devil was or is a male and so was Adam, what would one the sexual act between Adam and Satan at that time?

Answer: Charisa, thank you for the question.

I will briefly explain, but I highly encourage you to read our study titled, “The Story Of Adam And Eve In The Garden Of Eden” for a complete explanation. It will thoroughly discuss what really happened in the Garden of Eden.

Now, anyone who has taken the time to read the opening chapters of Genesis, should know the sin in the Garden of Eden was not eating an apple. Maybe they do not know what the sin was, but they certainly should question the common explanation.

Adam And Eve Covered Their Private Parts

Read the account in Genesis 2-3, it is plain as day, after Adam and Eve sinned, they covered up their private parts with fig leaves, that would be their genitals. Yes, graphic I know, but we are all adults here, so let’s make sure we nail this down real good.

If you sin with your mouth, you would cover your mouth, and common sense tells us there is no sin in eating a literal piece of fruit. Obviously, Adam and Eve did not sin with their mouth, but their private parts, and we are not talking about a literal piece of fruit.

The entire account in the Garden of Eden is a “euphemism” which means,

“A mild or indirect word or expression substituted for one considered to be too harsh or blunt when referring to something unpleasant or embarrassing.”

Understanding what really happened in the Garden of Eden is certainly embarrassing, and it is very direct. So with that, let us continue that thought.

Adam’s Sin

I do not believe Adam’s sin was a homosexual act.

I am more inclined to agree with you here, that Adam probably did not know what it was. That does not mean he could not perform the act though if Satan told him about it, (Satan is the Serpent, Revelation 12:7-9). However, it is hard to imagine that thought “seducing” Adam.

While there is no way to document exactly what Adam did, we do know it was a sexual encounter in regard to Eve.

So let us all use our imagination here. We know Eve was having intercourse with Satan. Eve then “gave also unto her husband”, (Genesis 3:6). I feel they were having a threesome with Eve being the center of attention.

Remember what happened, Eve would go on to have twins; Cain being Satan’s son and Abel being Adam’s son.

I realize for a new reader this may be hard to grasp. Read our study above, it will completely explain it. Think about it, eating an apple certainly did not cause Adam and Eve to cover their private parts, neither did eating an apple cause Eve’s birth pain to be multiplied, (Genesis 3:16).

Remember what God told Satan after this event,

“I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed”.

Genesis 3:15

One seed (child) was Satan’s and one seed (child) was Adam’s.

Closing Thoughts

Regardless of these facts, while we may not know the specifics of Adam’s sin. We know he violated what God told him in Genesis 2:17. Adam took part in Satan’s evil doings, and that led Adam down a long and ruinous life. Had he just listened to God, Adam would have had it made.

Moral of the story, stay clear of Satan, and listen to our Heavenly Father.

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