I Think The World’s Loony Tunes, But What Do You Think?

This Friday, I want to do something a little bit different…

How different?

Well, I’m not going to tell you about the state of the world today. I’m not even going to share my thoughts and concerns with you. Instead, I’m going to turn the tables on this fine Friday morning.

That’s right…

Today, I’m not going to do the talking today.

Instead, I’d like you to do it.

I would like to hear your thoughts and concerns about the state of the world. I would like to hear the conversations you have with your family and friends. I would like to hear some details.

There’s a lot going on:

  • War
  • Political uncertainty
  • Economic concerns
  • Culture wars
  • Religious and moral woes
  • And so much more…

You know, while the world is connected, we all live in our own bubbles, and we all have our own experiences. So we all see the world a little differently. That’s why we have war, Christians and non-Christians, culture clashes, and various political battles.

So when Christians get together, like we will today in the Community, we have an opportunity to see and hear what others are seeing and hearing. Things that we may not be exposed to, but things that exist. It also presents us with an opportunity to fellowship with each other and lift one another up.

So with that, let’s here your thoughts:

  1. What are your biggest concerns or thoughts on the state of the world?
  2. What are your family and friends biggest concerns or thoughts?
  3. What are you dealing with on a daily?

Today, it’s an open forum, drop by and share.

Thanks so much and enjoy this Friday.

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