Can God Tempt Us With Satan’s Angels?

Name: Jeremiah
Question: Today I read (what is the locust army?) and you stated,

“This angelic portion (part iron) of the Locust Army will not break their ranks. This means they will not revolt or deviate from their purpose, which is to convince you that Satan is God, and they are God’s Angels.”

This threw me for a loop, I thought God cannot tempt us with sin, and this is what these angels that are sent by God, you are saying, are going to do by trying to convince us by the command of God that Satan is God? I just need some clarification on this point. 

Thank you for your time and God bless

Answer: Jeremiah, thank you for the question.

When I said, ‘Satan’s angels will not break their ranks,’ I was citing Joel 2:7. Simply meaning, they are not going to rebel against Satan and the government (seventh kingdom) he instils here on earth, (Revelation 17:10-11).

Now, when the Tribulation begins, the goal of Satan and his angels is to convince you they are God and His Angels, (2 Thessalonians 2:3-4). So that’s their purpose to a large degree. However, they are not going to be successful in it, their kingdom is going to fail, (Revelation 19:19-20).

God always overcomes, including those who follow Him.

So it’s not God that will be tempting you, rather Satan and his wicked angels will be tempting you. Each and everyday you are, or can be tempted, but that does not mean God is doing the tempting. God does not tempt us.

We are only tempted when we veer from God and entertain our own lusts. However, overcoming temptation certainly builds our faith, (James 1:12, 14)!

Now think about it, if God was tempting you, that would make Him a liar. However, Scripture tells us of a certainly, God cannot lie, (Tit 1:2, Heb 6:18, Num 23:19, Prov 30:5).

  • God does not tempt us, (James 1:13).
  • God wants everyone to repent, (2 Peter 3:9).
  • God wants everyone to be saved, (John 3:16).

It’s also worth noting, the Tribulation is appropriately called, the “Hour of Temptation.” Again, it’s not God doing the tempting, it’s Satan who is the Antichrist. It’s Satan’s symbolic hour to reign on earth.

Always remember that.

Now, let’s tie in another verse concerning what I said about Satan’s angels not breaking their ranks.

Revelation 17:13
These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast.

“These,” are Satan’s angelic kings (iron kings) that have one solid accord to do evil.

Revelation 17:14
These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful.

They never break rank, they stay true to Satan until their demise.

Though Satan will successfully setup his government on earth, it is going to fail thanks to Jesus. Unfortunately, not before Satan and his angels deceive nearly the entire world, (Revelation 13:14). That is, everyone except for the 144,000 and the great “multitude” of Revelation 7.

Now think about this…

Ultimately, God controls everything, right?

When Satan tempted Job, was that God’s fault, or did God cause the tempting?


God simply removed most of the protection He had around Job, and gave Satan reign to do almost whatever he wanted, (Job 2:6). God controls by limiting evil. However, during the Tribulation, God removes much of that, and allows evil to reign for a short time.

Satan is the one who will claim to be God. Not that God told Satan to do that. Satan has always wanted to be God. Satan has always wanted to take God’s place. For a short time, Satan will make it appear as if that’s so, (Revelation 12:12).

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