We’re Being Used Like A Dirty Rag!

Have you ever thought about that?

Have you ever considered the possibility, that we are being used by the political elite?

I’m not talking about the left and I’m not talking about the right…

I’m talking about both sides of the aisle.

We — the common folk — are being used like a dirty rag.

It doesn’t matter if you’re a lib or a conservative.

Look, far too often we allow our Christian ideals to be used against us. Anytime we hear some political pundit or politician say, “Christian,” “God,” “Jesus,” “Patriot,” or “America!” We think, “Hey, this guy is in my corner, he said Jesus!” Boy, if more people could only pull their heads out of the sand.

For years and decades, political elites, talking heads, and your favorite “podcast” have used you like a dirty rag. They pitch an ideology you agree with, maybe they even agree with it. They sure act like they do. But then, they follow it up with all sorts of ads…

What do I mean?

You know, the programming you’re tuning into…

They tell you to “buy gold so we can be prepared against the globalist’s next threat” or buy this supplement, or buy this prepper food bucket. One yahoo even pitched “Patriot Mobile,” so you can avoid the libs. In fact, their website says,

“Patriot Mobile is America’s only Christian conservative wireless provider.”

Give me a break.

Can you say, gimmick?!!

I have news for you, Patriot Mobile isn’t a wireless provider, that is, as you think of one. They don’t have a network, they just use AT&T, Verizon, and T-Mobile. If you don’t believe me, just look it up. I used to work in the cell business, I know these things.

So someone decided to use the words “Christian” and “Patriot” to make a buck. Look, you’re not avoiding any libs, you’re not keeping your money from potential liberal corporations. You’re just being suckered into thinking you are, and paying more for it!

In fact, their plans are outrageous!

But hey, it says “Patriot,” and they use the words “Christian” and “conservative,” so they gotta be good! Not to mention, you heard about it from some conservative yahoo, so it must be good, right?


You know, these are things that have always bothered me…

For me, it’s always been so clear to see through the fog. Just listen to what’s advertised and you can pretty much tell what someone is after. First, they pitch content to get a certain audience, and then they pitch the ads for that audience to capitalize on it.

In fact, that’s the sole point of the show, to capitalize on your pocketbook!

It’s programming 101, but it’s used as a mind-control tool.

It’s not about providing little ol you with anything useful.

It’s done subtly for most, that’s why people keep coming back for more. They can’t see it, they can’t pull their head out of the sand. They just hear, “Christian,” “Jesus,” “conservative” and they’re hooked.

Ohh, but it’s not just political pundits, podcasters, bloggers, and “influencers” who do this. Your favorite politicians do it as well. None of them ever fix any of the problems they say they will. All they ever do is increase the national debt by magnitudes.

Yet, they tell their followers that they lowered the debt or created the best economy, and people believe it just because they said so. Look, when you print trillions of dollars, and pump it into the system, what exactly do you think will happen to the economy?

It’s gonna pump, pump, pump!

Of course, you’ll have massive inflation down the road, but hey, we can pin that on someone else. This has gone on for years and decades, and it gets worse with each new party in power.

Ironically enough, most Americans think the economy stinks right now. In fact, I heard someone at the gym say to another chap,

“Yeah, this economy is horrible, Bidenomics is a disaster.”

I just roll my eyes when I hear that.

Meanwhile, the guy has a job, and so on. I mean, none of these people realize, the stock market is up 12% this year!

12%, and we’re only 5 months into the year!

It’s unheard of.

Why is it up so much?

  • Corporate profits are up, up, up…
  • As people are buying, buying, buying…
  • With all the money they’re earning, earning, earning!

So is money printing, via never-ending government spending.

So, where do these people get the idea that the economy is so terrible?

People are working, markets are up, and people’s waistbands are as big as ever. No one’s going hungry due to inflation — which is starting to decline — is my point. So things are humming right along. Too good actually, houses are just outrageous!

Where’s deflation when you need it?

So back to the question…

Where do people get the idea that the economy is terrible?

From their favorite talking head, blogger, podcaster, or “influencer,” ie: yahoo. All those influential yahoos have to say is “the economy sucks” and “the Democrats suck,” and the listener gobbles it up. Then, here comes the pitch to buy some crappy doomer products.

Why o why do my conservative brethren get sucked in so easily?

Then again, I could say the same thing about the libs…

Anytime they hear “BLM,” “LGBTQRS,” or “climate change” they go ape!

The real problem?

We let too many other people do our thinking for us.

We never, ever, never look at things objectively.


We just tune into some yahoo and let them tell us what’s going on in the world, and how the other guy screwed it all up.

Wash, rinse, repeat.

In case you’re wondering, this all came to mind since everyone’s favorite boogieman is retiring…

I speak of none other than Klaus Schwabie, he’ll be retiring from his position of world oligarch. You know, during that whole COVID thing, people flipped their lid. They gave too much credit to people like Schwab. I mean, he suddenly turned into the architect of globalism.

That is, in the minds of many.

Yet, he’s fizzling with the wind.

In another year or two, you won’t hear the name “Schwab” anymore. We’ll move on to someone else. You’re favorite “conservative” yahoo will tell you about a new boogieman, and they will blame all the world’s ills on him.

You know, I tried to tell my readers over and over again, Schwab and his crew were getting too much credit for the world’s doom. Most conservative folks didn’t want to hear that chatter, many just went with what the yahoos said.

I still remember hearing people say,

Half of the world’s population will die in two years from the “death jab.”


We’re way past that point, and the population just keeps ticking. If you don’t believe the global population numbers, just go check out the ever-increasing traffic or the crowded public squares. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to understand the two-year death jab bit was a bunch of bull you know what.

However, it sure gave many a good scare, and it kept them tuned into said yahoo, and it kept many buying crap peddled by said salesman.

You do realize, the politicians, the talking heads, the bloggers, the podcasters, the “influencers” are salesmen?

Sorry libs, I mean, “sales people.”

The yahoos tell you some message to sucker you in, and they keep you tuned in, and you eventually trust them…

Then, you buy their junk or vote for them.

Oh and those newly elected politicians push plenty of pork to pad the pockets of the billionaire mega-donors who helped them get elected. Politicians will also peddle little ol you crap as well, which goes to support their political campaign. It’s old hat and it works superbly!

Many don’t see it.

I’m telling you about it and you still won’t see it. That’s why they are successful, they are more crafty than their audience, and that’s why they are there, and you are over there.

Ohh, so back to ol Schwabie…

He was the devil in many people’s eyes. Yet, before Schwab it was Brzezinski…

Raise your hand if you remember Zbigniew Brzezinski?

Now this guy, this guy was blamed by many for all the world’s ills. He was the Schwabie of his day. He was the globalist architect of his era. He was supposed to usher in doom and destruction. But guess what, the dude kicked off and the yahoos moved on to a new boogieman.

Wash, rinse, repeat.

At this point in my life, I’ve come to realize, you really can’t change people.

You can’t.

You can lead people to water, but they have to drink.

The real problem is the system…

It doesn’t matter if you’re a lib or a conservative…

The system is your realm, the things you place into your mind, your worldview.

For most people, they only seek to confirm the worldview they hold.

  • If you’re a conservative, you’ll only listen to conservative programming.
  • If you’re a lib, you’ll only listen to lib programming.

And there goes the manipulation to keep you tuned in and supporting the message.

Boy oh boy, no one is a Berean anymore.

No one ever questions or doubts the all-powerful yahoos.

So get this…

One of our good friends said to their spouse…

You only ever watch blank news station, you only get their angle. How do you expect to ever learn anything different if you only tune into that perspective? This good friend asked a fantastic question that most people never ask or even think about.

By the way, this good friend thinks the world is a madhouse, including all the yahoos. So they tune out.

It’s not such a bad idea actually…

The outdoors has better things to offer, and it’s free of charge.

But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags; and we all do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away

Isaiah 64:6
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