“COVID-19” Is Bankrupting Our World

Bloomberg reports 120 different companies have declared themselves bankrupt this year due to COVID-19. Then we have Dunkin Donuts who just announced they will permanently close 450 stores this year.

Meanwhile, other companies are going further into debt in order to stay afloat. In fact, globally corporate debt will grow by $1 trillion dollars this year. As always, COVID-19 is being blamed for our economic downturn.

The Virus And Flu Deaths

In reality, the global response of governments has led to our economic calamity, not the Coronavirus itself. In fact, globally COVID-19 has killed 556,000 people, primarily the elder who suffer from chronic health conditions. Yet, during an average year, the seasonal flu kills 650,000 people globally.

That should really make you think and then prompt you to ask questions.

Society has never locked down and ceased to function in the history of the world over a virus. More troubling is the virus is being hyped to no end in order to cause more company closures and anguish for the people.

Government Debt

Governments are not immune to the financial ruin they have manufactured. Government debt around the world has skyrocketed in order to pay for new bailouts and unemployment programs.

Stock Market

Then we have the U.S. stock market which has now recorded its worst earnings in 12 years, yes, worse than the last choreographed financial crisis of 2008. Even the banks are on pace for their worst quarter since the last financial crisis.

The Federal Reserve continues to add corporate bonds to its portfolio now adding Apple, Anheuser-Busch, and Expedia.

A Bankrupt System

Friends, if the financial system was healthy, we would not have news reports like this. The fact of the matter is our system, our global financial system has been bankrupted by design.

Remember the bailout of the world back in 2008?

Nothing was fixed, it was simply papered over. Meaning, money was created out of thin air and used to “bailout” governments and banks.

This time, COVID-19 is being used as the catalyst to destroy the entire global economy. I do not know how else I can phrase it, that is exactly what is happening at this moment in time. COVID-19 is not the threat it has been made out to be, that should be as plain as day at this point, though it is not.

We are now hearing calls to reset the global system. To bring about a new way of life for our world. As the days go by, I am more convinced we are witnessing the planned financial collapse of the world.

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