Did You Hear What Schumer Said About Israel?

I know some of you are thinking…

Who’s Schumer?

He just happens to be one of the wizards that run our government. Yep, Chuck Schumer is the Senate Majority leader and he’s a flaming Dem, if I can say such a thing…

So ol Chuck slammed Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

In case you’re not aware, Schumer is a Jew, so this is sort of a big deal.

You have one of the highest-ranking members of the U.S. Federal government calling for new elections in Israel, and the dude’s a Jew. Apparently, American Jews are not happy with what’s going on in Israel. I’m glad to see that, as the Israeli fiasco has run its course, and then some.

In fact, Israel is digging its own grave.

More on that in a moment…

So this is what Schumer had to say.

“As a democracy, Israel has the right to choose its own leaders, and we should let the chips fall where they may. But the important thing is that Israelis are given a choice. There needs to be a fresh debate about the future of Israel after Oct. 7.

In my opinion, that is best accomplished by holding an election.”



Schumer went further…

…it would be a “grave mistake for Israel to reject a two-state solution and urged negotiators in the Israel-Gaza conflict to do everything possible to secure a ceasefire, free hostages and get aid into Gaza.


Double yikes!

Hey, this is becoming a hot-button issue.

The reason is simple…

Gaza has been destroyed, and there are over 31,000 dead Palestinians at this point.


Bibi didn’t respond to Schumer, but his political party did…

“Contrary to Schumer’s words, the Israeli public supports a total victory over Hamas, rejects any international dictates to establish a Palestinian terrorist state, and opposes the return of the Palestinian Authority to Gaza,” the Likud statement said.

“Senator Schumer is expected to respect Israel’s elected government and not undermine it. This is always true, and even more so in wartime.”


I have to agree with the last statement. At the same time, I expect my government to take care of its own business and not nose into the business of other nations. Yes, Schumer is nosing in. However, America is nosing into the Middle East by providing military hardware to kill 31,000 Palestinians.

It’s an absolute disaster, and so is the Ukraine saga.

However, folks like Schumer care more about other nations than our own.

None of these people care about closing our southern border.


The United States population is dwindling.

Without illegals, the population will continue to decline and the economy will crumble.

We can’t be having that.

Schumer had more to say,

“If Prime Minister Netanyahu’s current coalition remains in power after the war begins to wind down, and continues to pursue dangerous and inflammatory policies that test existing U.S. standards for assistance, then the United States will have no choice but to play a more active role in shaping Israeli policy by using our leverage to change the present course,” he said.



But see, his concern is Israel.

His homeland.


  • How about we stop funding other nations, that way they can’t blow each other up.
  • How about we mind our own business…

You do know that’s what Scripture says?

2 Thessalonians 3:12
Now them that are such we command and exhort by our Lord Jesus Christ, that with quietness they work, and eat their own bread.

Difficult stuff, isn’t it?

  • Mind your own business.
  • Earn your own living.
  • Eat your own bread.

Back to Schumer’s scathing speech…

“(Netanyahu) has been too willing to tolerate the civilian toll in Gaza, which is pushing support for Israel worldwide to historic lows. Israel cannot survive if it becomes a pariah,” Schumer said.



That’s like a dagger in the heart of his Israeli brother.

It’s absolutely spot on though.

I have to add, I can’t believe I actually agree with Schumer on something! Then again, don’t seek to find division between your rival. Instead, seek where you can come together.

So what’s Schumer driving at in the last comment?

Israel’s position in the world.

It’s falling apart.

The following comes from the New York Times

I am seeing the increasingly rapid erosion of Israel’s standing among friendly nations — a level of acceptance and legitimacy that was painstakingly built up over decades. And if Biden is not careful, America’s global standing will plummet right along with Israel’s.”

The author…


He had more to say,

“I don’t think Israelis or the Biden administration fully appreciate the rage that is bubbling up around the world, fueled by social media and TV footage, over the deaths of so many thousands of Palestinian civilians, particularly children, with U.S.-supplied weapons in Israel’s war in Gaza. Hamas has much to answer for in triggering this human tragedy, but Israel and the U.S. are seen as driving events now and getting most of the blame.”

I hope you’re starting to see the big picture…

  • You have two Jews who are critical of Israel.
  • You have two Jews who can see the obvious.

My question…

Why can’t more of my Christian brothers and sisters?

For decades and decades Christians have almost worshipped Jews over an incorrect Biblical teaching.

Isn’t it about time we corrected that fallacy?

Instead of blindly supporting Israel over our faith, how about we re-examine it…

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