Disney Says It Would Be ‘Very Difficult’ To Continue Filming In Georgia After Abortion Ban

Disney’s response comes on the heels of Georgia’s new abortion law.

Apparently, Disney does not think babies have a right to life. You know, the same babies who miraculously grow into kids and ask their parents who used to be babies to buy them Disney products and services.

This shows you how backward society has become. It shows you how out of touch with humanity and life these type of people are.

When our Father said,

Isaiah 5:20
20 “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!”

He was talking about people like the CEO of Disney.

When He said,

Isaiah 5:21
21 “Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight!”

He was talking about the people at Netflix, and Canada’s Justin Treadu and anyone else who uses their own perceived wisdom in place of God’s.

No,  I am not judging.

I am giving it to you straight from the Word of God.

Our Father’s Word is pretty clear. The womb of our mother was not meant to be our grave, (Jeremiah 20:17). That which brings life, is not meant to bring about death.

That thought process is backward, refer back to Isaiah 5:20 if you have difficulty understanding that.

You should also know, one of the six things our Father hates most is “hands that shed innocent blood“, (Proverbs 6:17). Slaughtering the unborn is shedding innocent blood. A baby is life, a baby is flesh and blood, we all know that.

So why does Disney have such a problem with the State of Georgia standing for life and God?

Maybe they perceive God’s Word to be foolish, (1 Corinthians 1:18).

If so,

  • Should we look at them in the same light?
  • If they reject God, should we reject them and what they sell?

I will let you think about that…

What The “Leaders” Believe

Let me tell you something folks.

The foolish of this world have been elevated above you due to their beliefs. This is Satan’s world, though God is always in control. The leaders of today twist right into wrong and try to impression your mind to make you believe their fables.

Now I know, I know. When you see a man in a suite with letters next to his name (CEO, etc) you automatically think, “wow, that guy is something else. Boy, he must be a bright one.”

If they stand against God’s Law, how bright do you think our Father thinks they are, (1 Corinthians 1:18)?

  • Do you honestly believe, when the foolish of the world tell us something is right, that it is right in God’s Eyes?
  • Do you honestly believe everyone accepts what these suites tell us?

They have been elevated into their positions due to their beliefs in part okay?

That should be obvious enough, just ask ol Justin Treadu of Canada.

More importantly, remember the Words of Christ, “they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch”, (Matthew 15:14).

What The People Believe

Go read the comments on some of these news articles on the internet.

Go read them, look at the opposition to abortion, look at the numbers of those standing for life. Look at the opposition to the homosexual agenda being pushed on our kids.

So we, those who stand for God and common sense are in the majority, yet our beliefs are being pushed aside by a few suites who represent some “organization”. God and His Word is being pushed aside by the 1-2% of the world who happens to be homosexual and the foolish who go along with it.

Are you going to stand for that?

I sure hope not.

I Hope

I hope you stop buying the garbage these companies sell you, the products that will end up in the trash in a year anyway.

I hope you stop tuning in to their programming, because that is exactly what it is.

I hope you use social media for good and share the truth with the world in a tactful and professional manner.

I hope and pray you stand for God, it is your defining moment.

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