People Are Losing Faith In Everything

You can just feel it, can’t you?

I don’t mean to sound like a Debbie Doomer, but it’s getting pretty ugly out there. Inflation is still a mess, the gap between the rich and poor is ever widening, war between nation states continue to escalate, politics are a disaster, and religion, don’t even get me started.

With respect to politics, just look at this quote from NBC.

“The share of voters who say they have high interest in the 2024 election has hit a nearly 20-year low at this point in a presidential race.”

Anyone want to guess why?

I’m actually just going to leave it like that, lest someone become offended.

Outside of this upcoming disaster, our government continues to spend billions on foreign powers so they can continue to blow each other up.

Sounds pretty Christian to me!

Speaking of Christian, we have this bit about the House passing mo money for Ukraine and Israel…

Ahh yes…

“For those of us who are believers, it’s a Biblical admonition to stand with Israel,” says Mike Johnson, the Speaker of the House, at least for now.

It’s utterly amazing that this Biblical con is still floating around and that it’s so rooted within our faith.

I said it before and I’ll say it again…

Ohh I’m just warming up!

As I strolled through the interwebs, I found another case where men… Excuse me, transgender men are competing in women’s sports and DOMINATING.

Case in point…

That man who dresses like a woman just dusted those girls like they were babies.

Who would have guessed huh?

Who would have thought, that men are stronger and faster than women?

Stop looking so stupefied…

Even the latest Supreme Court Justice couldn’t explain the difference between a man and a woman, so how are you supposed to?

That’s right, it’s not your fault…

It’s no ones fault.

No one is wrong, and no one ever makes bad decisions in life.

* Pat on the head *

Here, accept this participation trophy, it’ll make you feel better about the whole deal.

And another thing…

Where’s the flipping parents?

The only way my daughter is competing against a man in track is over my dead body. I mean what the heck are these parents thinking? Look at that video clip again. Look at those girls finish that race. I didn’t see a single smile on their face. Instead, it was humiliating defeat, and guess what?

They shouldn’t have to feel that!

What the heck happened to “women’s rights?”

We gave it to them, just to later substitute men in their place…

No wonder we’re losing faith in everything.

I’ve lost all faith in society.

When you have fruit cakes running track and swim meets against women, you know the world’s done for. In fact, when has this ever occurred in the history of the world?

Let me think for a moment, it’ll come to me.

Ahh yes, why it was Sodom and the surrounding cities! And eventually, the Lord had a mighty barbecue, and He invited the whole bunch. Ahh and don’t even tell me that’s crude, God’s the one who did it, I’m just rehashing the story.

I’ve had enough of the tranny talk…

So Ukraine, yes, another faith losing venture. Our government is on the cusp of sending billions more to Ukraine so they can eventually lose the war anyway, and we’ll be stuck with the tax bill.

Man people, don’t you get it yet?

You’re government is full of deviant pukes!

There, I said it.

There might be one or two decent humanoids in the whole bunch, and that’s putting it nicely. All of these guys have voted for Ukraine aid and Israel aid, but to heck with aid for Americans. To heck with bringing down the deficit, to heck with lowering taxes, to heck with shutting down the border.

Ohh and please, please, please, don’t even go there…

Your government will not shut down the border.

It’s not going to happen.

All the folks on the right keep rooting on all the chatter about it, but it isn’t going to happen.

You remember what super righty Regan did, don’t you?

He passed amnesty for millions of illegals.

Fast forward to the present, and no one is talking about the border.

Just Ukraine and Israel.

You know why?

I told you a million times by now.

“Replacement theory,” is not a theory.

Take a look around!

Turn on the boob tube, then tell me what you see?

Tune in and listen to the head honchos of our economic engine and they’ll tell you, “The reason the economy grew was record immigration.”

Ahh yes baby!…

Mo people mean mo money!

So no one cares about the border.

Maybe you do, but your government doesn’t.

In fact, I recall a former President saying,

“We’re going to have a lot of people coming into the country. We want a lot of people coming in. And we need it. It’s not a question of do we want [more immigration], these folks [CEOs] are going to have to sort of not expand too much. And if we tell them … these are very ambitious people around this table. They don’t like the concept of not expanding.

We want to have the companies grow and the only way they’re going to grow is if we give them the workers and the only way we’re going to have the workers is to do exactly what we’re doing.”

So there you have it…

It was planned long ago, and it continues to unfold, day by day, year by year.

Ahh let me rub a little more salt in the wound…

The reason immigration is allowed to happen, is American’s stopped having kids.

Yeppers, you’re the problem, not the government.

Don’t you just love this backwards world?

We live in a world where the only way to prosperity is through continued, never ending, economic expansion.

And here I thought these people actually cared about taking care of the planet. Silly me! I mean, if they actually cared, instead of worrying about making mo money, they’d be worried about how to stop polluting the planet.

Yet, that’s just a ruse.

It’s just a feel good line the big shots use, and it’s yet another way to tax you, and keep you in fear.

Ahh yes, we’re fed lines of horse business over and over again, and we, the voting public, the tax payers never seem to catch on. Instead, we fight and bicker with each other over political parties. Parties that never shut the border down, no matter how many reds are in power.

It’s frustrating that the public just cannot see what is right in front of them…

Lies and deceit.

Folks, this is the Devil’s world, not God’s.


In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.

2 Corinthians 4:4

That’s right, it’s Satan’s world.

Remember, he offered all power to Jesus…

“…the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them; And saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me.”

Matthew 4:8-9

My point, don’t place your faith in politicians, they’re going to let you down.




As a matter of fact, everyone will let you down in life. Your pastor, your family, and friends.

Lest you think you’re perfect…

You’re going to let them down as well.

All right, now let me climb down off my high horse…

What I’ve outlined in this piece shows the complete and utter failure of the institutions of men. All they bring is war, death and misery, and put lipstick on it, even dragging in our faith to support it.


My faith, is completely lost, in them.

Yet, my faith is not lost in God, and that’s what really matters. Folks, the world is going to keep on spinning, and it’s going to keep going to heck in a hand basket. Our job in the meantime is to stay sane. It’s to stay rooted in the Scriptures — and — to build each other up, so our faith, doesn’t fade away.

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