Pence Warns Iran’s Mullahs Are Plotting ‘New Holocaust’ Against Israel


The mullahs are coming, the mullahs are coming! Say it isn’t so!

The dread and horror of it all! I mean ol Bibi has been telling us the same thing for at least 10 years. I mean he drew us that pretty picture of the bomb at the UN awhile back too…

So far the only bombing and “holocaust” work I have seen is from the US.

‘Well Brandon, that sounds pretty un-American’

No, it sounds like someone who can think for themself.

Who is bombing who in the Middle East?

‘Well, I guess the US is bombing the Arabs.’

Well I guess you would be right then and those Arabs have now flooded the Christian nations.

I suppose that is an accident too…

No it is called, “cause and effect” (planned I might add). That is too deep for today, let’s stay focused.

This whole notion that we are in the Middle East fighting terrorism is nonsense.

The U.S. has funded the terrorists in the middle east for years and years. That should not be a shock to anyone. Surely you remember the CIA funding terrorists, remember the US supported Osama Bin Laden and Saddam Hussian. Then the US turned their back on them when the agenda changed and they became the enemy.

The world is a lot darker than you think.

The US has openly bombed the sovereign nation of Syria for years now. Syria happens to be Iran’s ally and if you think that is all a coincidence, I have some ocean front property to sell you at a really great price!

A Top US Admiral” joined Pence in his calls for condemnation of Iran.

You know what…

If you read this far, keep reading a little further.

I want to open your eyes visually.

You remember “the new hitler of our time,” ol Iranian President Ahmadinejad right?

I mean they told you he wanted to kill them there jews in Israel and the Christian crowd went wild!

You take a moment out of your life to learn something for today. In this article, you can read some truth about Iran, and at the bottom, there is a video of ol Ahmadinejad welcoming and shaking the hand of them there jews in Israel.

I mean he smiles at these guys.

He shakes their hands and sits down with them at the table and talks.

No, he didn’t cut off their head or blow them up.

Just watch the video for yourself. I will even post it below for you.

You know what them there jews were doing at the table?

They were giving Ahmadinejad a gift for his kindness toward, wait for it, the jews!

That’s right, for the treatment of jews in Iran.

You should know outside of Israel, Iran has the largest concentration of jews in the world. It has been that way for thousands of years I might add.

Enough from me, now take a couple more minutes out of your day and watch the video.

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