Topic: Government


This Is Why You Shouldn’t Fret About The Elections…

The airwaves are filled with political pundits telling us who will win the next Presidential election. Folks, from here on out, we’re going to see political signs in yards and on pickup trucks. Television and


Are You Tired Of The Culture Wars Yet?

America’s culture wars have become ever tiring, haven’t they? We’ve become a country divided about every topic you can imagine. In fact, that statement might even create division within itself. Oddly enough, we’re the “United


I’ve Been Avoiding This Topic Like The Plague…

Politics… It’s a topic I’ve been avoiding like the plague. However, we’re approaching a major political moment in our nation, and the world for that matter. In fact, not only is our Presidential election a


We’re Being Used Like A Dirty Rag!

Have you ever thought about that? Have you ever considered the possibility, that we are being used by the political elite? I’m not talking about the left and I’m not talking about the right… I’m

United States

Corporate America Jumped Off The Woke Wagon…

Have you noticed, the radical “woke” agenda has taken a step back. A big step back. I mean, it’s all you used to hear about. Now, you’re hearing about it, but a lot less. To


This Is What Scares Most People, What Do You Think?

The world has always been a crazy place, but it feels different these days. Doesn’t it? I mean, in the past, we’ve always complained about politics. We’ve always complained about taxes, and how much things


People Are Losing Faith In Everything

You can just feel it, can’t you? I don’t mean to sound like a Debbie Doomer, but it’s getting pretty ugly out there. Inflation is still a mess, the gap between the rich and poor


Middle East War Front Escalates, What Next?

The Middle East is beginning to boil over. The kids and I were playing finance last night when we noticed S&P 500 futures start to tank. We knew right away, Israel attacked Iran. Sure enough,


Did Iran Attack Israel, Or Retaliate? A Prophetic Message

It’s all over the news, Iran attacked Israel. In fact, this was an unprecedented attack. Iran has never attacked Israel before. So why now? “Well Brandon, Iran wants to exterminate the Jewish state.” Now friends,


Israel And Iran Are This Close To War

The Middle East is beyond a dumpster fire at this point… The situation in Gaza is a catastrophe to put it lightly. Over 33,000 Palestinians have been killed now. When is enough, enough? Who knows…


Did You Hear What Schumer Said About Israel?

I know some of you are thinking… Who’s Schumer? He just happens to be one of the wizards that run our government. Yep, Chuck Schumer is the Senate Majority leader and he’s a flaming Dem,