The Message Behind Gold’s Rally: The World Economy Is in Trouble

WEB Notes: Precious metals have always been considered a store of wealth. In times of crisis, we typically see them rise in value. Gold and Silver have been on a tear lately which signals investors are concerned with the global economy. Nothing is going to save us, but having a little on the side may help you further down the road. Moral of the story here, our world is rapidly declining across numerous fronts and the dollar is in trouble.

It’s easy to forget now but there was a time early on in the pandemic when the price of gold was in freefall.

It was a curious thing, what with the virus sparking a collapse in the global economy, and it would prove in time to be one of the great head-fakes in the recent history of financial markets. For the pandemic of 2020 would soon show itself to be the driving force behind one of the most ferocious rallies the gold market has ever seen. At the close of trading in New York on Friday, bullion had spiraled to $1,902.02 an ounce, some 30% higher than the low it hit in March and just 1% off a record high set back in 2011.

The virus has unleashed a torrent of forces that are conspiring to fuel relentless demand for the perceived safety from turmoil that gold provides. There’s the fear of further government-ordered lockdowns; and politicians’ decision to push through unprecedented stimulus packages; and central bankers’ decision to print money faster than they ever have before to finance that spending; and the plunge in inflation-adjusted bond yields into negative territory in the U.S.; and the dollar’s sudden decline against the euro and yen; and rising U.S.-China tensions.

Source: LA Times

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