The World Is Out Of Control

It’s Friday, so I don’t want to start the morning too heavy, but folks…

The world is out of control!

The last time I checked, I live in America, but leprosy is making a comeback. That’s right, just like your favorite sports team, it’s not over til the fat lady sings!

Now, how on earth is leprosy making a comeback?

The last time I heard about leprosy I was reading Genesis.

I’m certain about one thing though…

Leprosy’s comeback has nothing to do with this…

I don’t care what you think, inviting people from every third-world country on the planet does not bring disease, poverty, and moral rot, said no American citizen ever!

But hey, what does our government care?

The American population is dwindling.

Without people, big business doesn’t have employees, which means no profits, and we can’t be having that! “So let um in, by the tens of millions,” big government says. Then they’ll ask you for more tax money to pay for their fine new citizenry.

I mean, just look at that group…

They’re honest and respectable chaps, wouldn’t you say?

Where’s the women by the way…

Speaking of the dwindling population, the global population will soon begin to dwindle away.

Extra, extra, read all about it…

“The population of almost every country will be shrinking by the end of the century, a major study said Wednesday, warning that baby booms in developing nations and busts in rich ones will drive massive social change.”


By the end of the century?

Who cares, I’ll be pushing up daisies by then.

Besides, there are more important things to discuss, like Wendy’s new drone delivery service. That’s right, you don’t even need to get up off your backside anymore. You can just swipe, tap, and boom! A hot meal shows up at your door. No wonder those illegals stormed the border!

If all of that isn’t enough to make you shake your head, well then, this next bit surely will…

They’re already saying, the Presidential election will be rigged, stolen, whatever you want to call it.


Now, none of us need to worry about voting anymore.


That’s one less thing I have to worry about. Now we can spend more time on our backside, and chomping down on our highly processed Wendy’s burger via drone delivery.

What a world we live in huh?

No article would be complete without a little spiritual upliftment, so let’s call in a pastor…

This pastor doesn’t take his problems to the Lord, he takes them to a hitman! Yep, turns out he didn’t like his daughter’s boyfriend much, so he paid to have him whacked. I suppose if you raised your kids better, they wouldn’t be hooking up with creepy creepers to begin with.


That might make me sound a bit judgemental, so hitman away!

So while the world continues to spin out of control, just be thankful it’s Friday, and the weekend is right in front of us. Not to mention that you know Jesus Christ!

Have a great one folks.


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