The World Is Going To Change ‘In Shocking Ways’ In The Next Five Years

These days, headlines like this are everywhere. I do not think many people doubt such headlines anymore. In fact, the world already changed this year in shocking ways.

No, we are not going to talk about 2020. Whew! Instead, I am going to share various financial news and thoughts with you.

First, let me share a few quotes from this article. These were the comments from billionaire investor Ray Dalio. Not that he is anyone special, but this only makes sense to me. This concerns finance over the next 5 years.

First, worry as much about the value of your money as you worry about the value of your investments. The printing of money and the debt should make you aware of that. That’s why financial asset prices have gone up — stocks, gold — because of the debt and money creation. You don’t want to own the thing you think is safest — cash. 

Second, know how to diversify well. That includes diversification of countries, currencies and assets, because wealth is not so much destroyed as it shifts. When something goes down, something else is going up so you have to look at all things on a relative basis. Diversify well and worry about the value of cash. 

I think Dalio makes the point about cash due to the record debt our government has placed upon itself. We also know the Federal Reserve will now target inflation over 2%, not to mention the fact we have record low-interest rates.

These moves destroyed the savings rate for cash, CDs, and whatnot. Cash sitting on the sidelines will be consumed by inflation now more than ever before. Not to mention other assets. This is the designed theft of our hard work my friends, there is no doubt about it.

Investors Fret About Dollars Status As World’s Reserve Currency

Then we have other financial headlines that discuss the dollar as the world’s reserve currency.

Some investors are worried the U.S. response to the coronavirus pandemic is dealing a body blow to the dollar, potentially accelerating what has so far been a slow erosion in the greenback’s status as the world’s dominant reserve currency.

Newsflash! Just about every nation increased its debt, not just the United States. Which means, “we’re all in this together”. How cozy!

By now, we all know the COVID-19 pandemic is a manufactured crisis to alter the current global order. It has accelerated the debt of the nations and placed citizens under lock and key.

When the dollar goes, so goes the current global order. So make note of all this talk. Of course, the globalists and their media outlets are always quick to report doom, but let’s face it. Things are not looking good.

Universal Basic Income

I remember hearing that phrase many years ago. Once it was introduced, we kept on hearing about it over and over again. Now the mainstream media has made it a weekly occurrence. We call that brainwashing and preparing your mind for what is to come.

Look at this quote from Pew Trusts.

Amid the pandemic and a global recession, both basic income and a basket of related policies have gained unprecedented momentum.

Now remember we opened this article talking about government debt…

A universal basic income would be “money”, ie: debt, created by the government and handed out to the people. Where exactly is that money going to come from? They will create it out of thin air, which will make the cash (and other assets) we have on hand worth even less. We are talking about more inflation and economic pain.

Not just that, but once you start accepting money from the government you are their boy. You have to abide by their rules and regulations that come attached to that money. In China, they are already doing that, we talked about it.

Social Credit System

Another aspect of change we have and will continue to see is a social credit system. You can think of China’s social scoring system as a good example.

Last night, I actually received an email from a good friend of mine who works for a megacorp. They are now seeking the social profiles of their employees for their new “system”. No, it’s not a social credit system, but its disturbing nevertheless.

Bank Of England Eyes Sub-Zero Rates In Face Of Virus, Brexit

The Bank of England indicated Thursday that it could cut interest rates below zero for the first time in its 326-year history as it tries to shore up a U.K. economic recovery that is facing the dual headwinds of the coronavirus and Brexit.

Washington Times

Do I need to comment on this and why it’s bad?

I don’t think so, see above.

The events of 2020 have radically changed our world. These changes are not temporary, they were carefully crafted in such a way to alter the future as well.

If you are asking yourself, “where is this all taking us?”

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