This Is What Scares Most People, What Do You Think?

The world has always been a crazy place, but it feels different these days.

Doesn’t it?

I mean, in the past, we’ve always complained about politics. We’ve always complained about taxes, and how much things cost. We always complained about immigration, and of course, a loss of freedom…

However, those issues have escalated dramatically!

In fact, everything I just outlined has escalated to unprecedented levels in a very short time.

Interestingly enough, look what I found

Those are the issues that are most important to 18-29 year olds.

Gun violence, protecting democracy, and climate change?

Notice where the Israel conflict sits… We can only imagine where the Ukraine saga dwells. Ohh, but our government just passed a bill to send billions more to those countries. Rumor has it, more money for Haiti as well.

Guess why?

They’re “people of color” as Hakeem Jeffries says.

Good grief.

So if you feel like our nation is slipping away, don’t fret, you’re not off in boom boom land.

We are losing our nation, actually…

We lost it.

We just haven’t realized it yet.

More on that in a moment…

However, notice the number one thing everyone is concerned about?


So, our government prints even more money — inflationary — to send overseas so people can blow each other up.

How exactly does that help, We The People?

Yet, you’ll hear both Reds and Blues saying,

“We’re working for the people.”

Not The American people, that’s for sure.

Moving on…

So there we have the primary concerns of the 18-29 year old crowd. Many of those concerns are certainly valid and they’re on all of our minds. However, here are some more concerns and/or deeper thoughts…

  1. Immigration
  2. Low Birthrates
  3. Civil War
  4. Terror Attacks
  5. Collapse of World Order
  6. Collapse of Christianity

Let me briefly touch on these…


Illegal immigration is absolutely out of control!

However, our government touts this as a badge of success. In fact, in some of the latest economic growth numbers, they attributed 8.2% of our nations growth to recent immigrants. It’s just like I told you years ago, no one wants to stop immigration. They want the illegals here to help boost the economy.

Why do the big wigs want illegals?

“Brandon, Americans won’t do the jobs.”

That’s what the media would love for you to believe.

Sure, we have some lazy Americans, but we also have lazy illegals, that’s why most come here, for a free government check. Ohh, and stop with personal stories about how you know someone who won’t clean a toilet. We all have um, but they don’t add up in the grand scheme of things.

So the true reason why our government wants illegals…

You’re not having babies.

I’ve been talking about this for years.

The global population will soon be in decline, which means less people. No, it’s not due to any catastrophe or conspiracy. It’s been known for decades.

The reason?

Low Birthrates

Low birthrates.

Yes, all over the world people refuse to have children, as they did in the past. I told you, the world is crazier than it’s ever been. In fact, in 2023, the total fertility rate fell to 1.62 births per woman in America! That’s a new record low.

Listen to me very carefully…

You cannot sustain a population with numbers like that, and you certainly cannot increase it.

Hence, all the illegals.

In fact, America keeps setting new record low birthrates, year after year.

Please don’t blame it on anything but our changing world.

This has been going on for years and years, it’s not new, but the longer it continues, the more prevalent it becomes.

Why are we not having kids?

As I often tell the wife, I see why people are not having kids anymore…

In the past, you needed kids. You wanted kids to help you on the farm or ranch. The more children you had, the more land you could farm or ranch. That meant, you could obtain a better standard of living for your family, and survive, and maybe, even obtain a little wealth.

These days…

You don’t need kids to survive or obtain wealth.

In fact, kids are a drag on your personal economic engine.

Do you realize it cost several hundred thousands of dollars to raise kids these days? I’ve shared that statistic in the past, and it’s certainly true. Moreover, in our selfish world, people are more concerned about taking care of número uno!

People are more concerned about going out to eat, spending money on something or some trip. Rather than raising kids. These days, kids are a liability, not an asset. For the record, I’m not saying that’s how I feel, I’m saying, this is how the world thinks, and why the birth rate continues to plummet.

This is also your answer as to why our government is letting in so many illegals. It’s not even a new thing. It’s been going on for decades! It’s simply increased more of late, thanks to those collapsing birthrates.

Civil War

The other fear I keep seeing is renewed talks of “civil war.” There’s some movie out about it, so I’m sure they’re loving the free PR. Personally, I don’t see a civil war breaking out anytime soon though, not like the one in the past. Again, the world is a much different place.

Are you going to start killing all your lib neighbors just because they’re libs or voted for Biden?

Come on.

Next up…

Collapse Of World Order

What do you think about the possible collapse of the world order?

You know, the one that was established back in the 1940s that you’ve heard me discuss many-o-time…

Honestly, this one is the most interesting to me, prophetically speaking.

Especially considering the state of our nation and world. It’s a disaster, everything about it is a disaster. America and Europe are nothing like they once were. They used to be clean and decent places, now they hate their founders, and place foreigners above themselves, (Deut 28:43).

That’s the road to self destruction, and there’s no one to blame but ourselves.

We allowed it.


By voting for evil, by voting for the lessor of two evils.

You see, voting for evil never brought forward righteousness.

Nope, not even once.

That’s why our nation continues to slide downhill, year, after year, after year.

I’ve been saying this since I started this site back in 2009.

People still don’t get it though, and they probably never will.

They just keep voting Red or Blue, and nothing changes for the better.

The only thing that does change, our nation becomes more divided, and society continues to crumble, (Matthew 12:25).

Collapse Of Christianity

Lastly, the collapse of Christianity really bothers me.

The newer generations really lack a desire for our faith. It’s easy to see why if we’re honest with ourselves. Our faith has been destroyed by denominationalism. It’s been destroyed by false teachings and fake pastors. Everyone has the truth, but everyone’s truth is different from our own.

But, we have the real truth, and we have all of the truth.

Man I hate that mode of thought, and so do the younger generations, that’s why our faith is drying up.

Who has the time to bicker about Christianity, when Christianity doesn’t even know what it believes?

What a joke.

So these are some of the things that bother me. These are not small things, these are not tiny things, and they’re definitely not new things. However, they are escalating elements of societal doom, and they’re very real and in our face.

With that, I’d love for you to chime in on this topic. I’d like to hear some of your thoughts and concerns. Even if they’re different than my own. Have a blessed weekend my friends!

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