Is December 25th Jesus’ Birthday?

Name: Vikki Tice
Question: Please explain where the 25 of December is not date of Jesus birth, but conception, and actual date of birth is late September.

Answer: Thank you for the question Vikki.

It is a great question and one we will need to answer through the creation of a Bible study. In the meantime, I encourage you to read this past Bible Q&A titled, “When Was Jesus Born?

In that Bible Q&A, I reference the “course of Abia” which provides us with a timeline for the birth of Christ. We can nail down His conception and birth by tracking the priestly duties as outlined in Luke 1.

If you reference “the course of Abia” link, you will be provided with the Bible verses and explanations that will help you document this from the Bible for yourself. There is also a calendar of sorts that will help as well.

The Specifics of Christ’s Birth

To add to that, we all know Jesus was born in Bethlehem, but Mary and Joseph were residents of Nazareth.

So why were they in Bethlehem?

To pay their taxes.

Caesar Augustus had made a decree that everyone had to pay their taxes. Due to Joesph being in the genealogy of David, he had to travel to Bethlehem (The City of David) to pay his taxes, (Luke 2:1-5).

This meant traveling with Mary from Nazareth to Bethlehem which is 80-100 miles, depending on the road they traveled. If we are to believe Christ was born on December 25th, this means Mary, pregnant and all walked 80-100 miles on foot in the heart of winter.

Had that occurred, ol’ Caesar Augustus’ would have found himself right in the middle of a rebellion.

In all seriousness, and to add to the point.

Why would Caesar Augustus even make such a degree during the harsh season of winter?

It is much more likely this decree would have been made after fall harvest.

Think about it, back in those days, there was no grocery store. If you wanted milk, you went and milked the cow or goat. If you wanted to eat, you had to grow and maintain crops. It is much more likely that Caesar Augustus would have made this tax request after the fall harvest when the people’s jobs to a large degree were complete.

Finally, let us not leave out the “shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night.” They were visited by the Angel of the Lord who told them,

I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.

Luke 2:10-12

As we know, they were told to share the good news of Christ’s birth.

We know that, but why were these shepherds watching over their flocks at night on December 25th in the heart of winter?

Simply stated, the shepherds would not have been watching their flocks at night during winter.

The animals would have been pinned up in barns during the winter. The shepherds, however, would have been watching their flocks at night during the season of fall, specifically September 29th which is the true birthdate of Christ.

Reference the documentation I provided you, and you can prove the point Biblically.

Thank you Vikki.

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