Corporate America Jumped Off The Woke Wagon…

Have you noticed, the radical “woke” agenda has taken a step back.

A big step back.

I mean, it’s all you used to hear about.

Now, you’re hearing about it, but a lot less. To me, the whole Bud Light tranny beer stunt was the last draw for many. I mean, Bud Light’s message was so distasteful, it left beer on the shelves, and in some cases, it sold for next to nothing.

Bud Light’s message was so anti-American, it sent their stock into a tailspin.

In the end folks, it’s all about the money…

No matter what some globalist puke thinks, it’s all about the money. If a dollar cannot be extracted from something, then it’s just not going to pan out. It’s just the way this crummy world works.

Let me show you what I’m talking about…

“…Mentions of ESG and DEI in S&P 500 companies’ quarterly earnings calls with analysts have taken a nosedive over the past few years

Business Insider


Investors don’t invest their hard earned cash to see it vaporized due to someone’s stupid PR stunt.

Can you say, BUD LIGHT, and tranny central, TARGET?

Between those two companies, some investors lost loads of cash as profits tanked.

Here’s another quote…

“In the market, ESG funds haven’t been doing so hot. According to Morningstar, investors pulled $13 billion out of sustainable funds in 2023 amid underperformance and political unease.”

Business Insider

Simply stated, ESG funds are investment vehicles with woke in mind.

But here’s the deal…

No one’s signing up to invest their money into a losing investment.

The whole ESG (environmental, social, governance) thing sounded like a good idea in the beginning. Not to me, but to a lot of people it certainly did. However, it’s become more of a fad that’s worn itself out.

How so?

Haven’t you heard about the great electric vehicle fizzle?

Tesla continues to lose market share.

IE: Fewer and fewer people are buying, not just in America, but all over.

Then, General Motors just said, their EV truck sales underperformed last years numbers by 20%!

Look, electric vehicles are a great choice for some people, but not everyone. The most practical choice is gasoline powered vehicles. So you’re hearing some of the climate change talk diminish. Not all of it, but much of it. I’m not saying it’s going away, I’m just saying it’s back peddling.

The air has been let out of the hype.

Even ESG king Larry Fink doesn’t talk about ESG anymore.

Then we have DEI (diversity, equality, inclusive). You’re still seeing it, it’s still around, however there’s starting to be some blowback. You see, when you place people into positions of power, it doesn’t matter what the agenda is, those people need to perform.

They need to wheel in the buckaroos, otherwise, said company will not be successful, and that means profits won’t exist. If profits aren’t there, well then, you’re going to hear about it.

Once again, it’s all about the money.

Recently, I saw where the CBS President “stepped down” as the company fizzled under her leadership. She was no doubt a DEI hire. Then just today, I caught an article titled,

My opinion, another DEI hire.

I’m seeing more and more articles like this.

Hey, just take the U.S. Press Secretary for example, she’s a disaster, but she’s a DEI hire, so is the Vice President. For the record, I like people of all colors, but let me tell you something. I’d never hire someone because of their race or sexuality, that’s just stupid, and it doesn’t make any sense.

For those running companies, the best way to ruin it, is to promote people that cannot do the job. Race and sexuality have nothing to do with your ability to perform a job. Either you can or you can’t, race should never ever be factored into it.

In the end, these things will iron themselves out.

Hey, people, investors, they will demand more, or they’ll just take their money elsewhere.

It’s always happened, it’s called, “business.”

Ohh, but it’s not just ESG and DEI stuff…

It’s everything about the woke agenda.

Remember states legalizing hardcore drugs?

Well, Oregon was one of them, and within just a year’s time, they scaled back the program.

As I turns out, legalizing hardcore drugs created more drug users, more crime, and more homeless.

Gee, who woulda thunk it?

Ohh and speaking of the homeless population, check this out…

These are the 10 states with the most homeless people

  1. California (181,399)
  2. New York (103,200)
  3. Florida (30,756)
  4. Washington (28,036)
  5. Texas (27,377)

For the record, the most populated states are:

  • California (38,965,193)
  • Texas (30,503,301)
  • Florida (22,610,726)

So statistically speaking, the three states above should have the most homeless.

However, as you can see, California has roughly twice the population of Florida, but California has six times the homeless! We see similar numbers for Texas, and then there’s New York.

What’s this tell us?

Radical leftist policies simply do not work.

Legalizing hardcore drugs is anti-American, it’s anti-everything. When you tell a man he should just go get stoned instead of making a contribution to society, you failed that man. You failed one of God’s children. You don’t want to do that.

Folks, we’ve been all over California, Oregon, and Washington, and they must be the most despicable cesspools I’ve ever seen. I’m talking about the cities. We used to live in California, and every time we go back, it’s worse and worse and worse.

It’s sad, it truly is.

Interestingly enough, 5 of the 15 fastest growing cities are in Texas.


People are fleeing California and that’s their destination.

Ironically enough, who voted for all the trash in California?

Many of the same people who are fleeing it.

Now, I’m not saying things are getting better, I’m just saying, these major agendas that have dramatically altered our nation are beginning to reveal themselves for the trash they are. As with anything, the needle will only go in one direction so far, so fast, before it reverses course.

Life is all about cycles.

So, keep doing your part to make the world a better place…

Keep pushing righteousness in the face of wickedness, which continues to darken our world.

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